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Communities Must Work Together to Prevent Regional Election Insecurity


By : Vania Salsabila Pratama )*

All elements of society in Indonesia have the same obligation, namely to continue to establish and strengthen synergy between sectors, especially in efforts to prevent vulnerabilities in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). This is carried out to ensure that the democratic party runs successfully and smoothly.

So that regional elections do not occur, synergy between people from various backgrounds is very important to realize. Because, if there is no unity and solid unity, of course it will be very easy to divide this nation.

Irresponsible parties will see that, for example, if there is no strong synergy between communities, citizens will very easily be consumed by fighting against each other, thereby further triggering regional election vulnerabilities.

Towards the implementation of the regional level democratic party, of course the community must be much more active in working together to prevent insecurity from occurring, including the possibility of violations.

This is so that regional level political contestation can run smoothly, safely and peacefully and is not harmed by the actions of irresponsible individuals. Therefore, prevention of vulnerabilities must occur from an early age together with the community.

Chairman of the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Bintan Regency, Sabrima Putra, explained that the public must immediately report to supervisors at the village or sub-district and sub-district level if they find fraudulent practices, so that with this report, officers will immediately handle it.

Likewise, to establish synergy with the community, the East Pekalongan District Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimcam) held regular meetings to discuss anticipation of potential vulnerabilities ahead of the 2-24 Simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

During the meeting, there were several important points such as how society should be able to become much more mature by being able to accept differences in choices between one another, because in the context of a democratic country, this is very normal.

Not only that, but Forkopimcam also emphasized its strong commitment to further strengthening security synergy by involving joint security forces, the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) as well as elements of society itself.

With this synergy between parties, it will be increasingly ensured that the smooth and safe implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections can be realized well. Apart from focusing on regional election security, Forkopimcam will also anticipate other potential vulnerabilities such as juvenile delinquency and the circulation of alcoholic beverages.

Routine patrols from various parties, both community elements and security forces, also continue as a preventive measure to ensure the maintenance of regional conduciveness.

Vigilance, anticipation and efforts to create conduciveness must continue to prevent conflicts and problems occurring in society. Therefore, the synergy of cooperation between all parties, including the citizens themselves, is the main key in realizing a safe and smooth 2024 Regional Election.

The involvement of all parties is proof of the strong commitment of the government and security forces to maintaining stability and consistency in each region ahead of the regional level democratic party in November 2024.

In an effort to anticipate vulnerabilities in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Kemenko Polhukam) then also held cross-institutional coordination meetings (rakor).

Deputy 1 for Domestic Political Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs held a coordination meeting on the Government’s Readiness and Strategic Steps in Anticipating Vulnerabilities in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections and Regional Elections.

The coordination meeting was led directly by Deputy 1st Deputy for Regional Police for the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Major General TNI Heri Wiranto, SE, MM, M.Tr (Han). Meanwhile, as resource persons, representatives from five institutions were present, namely the Deputy for Technical Support of the Indonesian KPU, Eberta Kawima; Bawaslu Deputy for Technical Affairs, La Bayoni; Paban 4/Opsdagri Sops TNI, Colonel (Inf) Ferry Irawan; Karo Jianstra Sops Polri, Police Brigadier General Marsudianto; and officials from the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Heri Wiranto stated that the political situation in Indonesia ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada is still in a conducive category, even though the political temperature is increasing.

Deputy I also explained a number of factors that could lead to potential vulnerabilities in regional elections that could occur at any time. This is what government institutions need to be aware of to ensure political conditions remain conducive.

Some of these vulnerabilities start from SARA issues that spread on social media, then the non-neutrality of election organizers to state officials, logistical delays, unpreparedness of security forces, unpreparedness of the regional election budget and other things. So that all parties, including the community itself, must continue to be vigilant by determining strategies and strengthening synergy to anticipate all vulnerabilities.

The community is obliged to work together in an effort to prevent the possibility of insecurity in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). Because if there is no strong synergy, then the regional level democratic party will not run smoothly.

)* The author is a contributor to Ruang Baca Nusantara

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