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Community Collaboration and Security Forces Can Prevent and Counter Radicalism


Collaboration between all communities in Indonesia and the Indonesian security forces is able to very effectively prevent and ward off the spread of radicalism so that it does not further undermine the young generation that will succeed this nation and threaten the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

In an effort to create good collaboration, security forces held friendly activities with residents and gave advice on how important it is to continue to maintain security and order in society (kamtibmas).

These friendly activities are useful in preventing the entry and further development of dangerous ideas such as radicalism, intolerance and terrorism in society. So it is clear that it is very important to have synergy and partnership between the security forces and all levels of society.

Adjunct Police Inspector Two (Aipda) Edi said that radical ideology in society is actually not something new, in fact, since the New Order era, a lot of radical ideology has developed, but recently the development has become increasingly worrying.

Therefore, because so far the development of radical ideology has become increasingly dangerous and massive in society, it is very important that self-vigilance can be further improved, especially so that the environment in society is not increasingly affected by the existence of this dangerous ideology.

The entire community is also advised not to easily believe in the propaganda efforts that continue to be intensified by members who spread radical ideas, because they often use the guise or cloak of religion but carry it out very irresponsibly.

The entire community should also remain alert and be able to anticipate themselves and their families from misleading teachings, which will further destroy the family and state structure.

The security forces continuously continue to provide advice or outreach to the entire community about how dangerous the ideas of radicalism, terrorism and intolerance are and it is also hoped that the entire community will not fall prey to and be influenced by these dangerous beliefs.

The community can take several steps, especially in being actively involved and working together with security forces to assist the government in efforts to eradicate radicalism, terrorism and intolerance. The simple thing that can be done is to increase each person’s self-awareness and invite fellow citizens to continue to maintain harmony and respect diversity.

It cannot be denied that the Indonesian nation was born into a nation in which there are many differences between its people. However, it is precisely the existence of differences and maintaining unity and integrity that is the point of strength for the Indonesian people and can even fight against the invaders.

Then, another step that the community can take to assist the efforts of security forces and the government in preventing the spread of radicalism is to actively report if they encounter actions that they feel are suspicious and indicate a radical movement.

Because with timely reporting, it really helps the security forces to immediately take action quickly and responsively at that time so as to prevent the possibility of radical people or groups taking action.

With several Security and Security Safaris being intensified by the security forces, it is hoped that the active involvement of the community can also open up much better communication channels between the security forces and the community in order to overcome security and social security problems and prevent the spread of terrorism, intolerance and radicalism. so as to create an increasingly safe and conducive environment.

For the spread of radicalism itself, this group also really understands the developments of the times. Therefore, now they have transformed to disseminate their teachings through various digital world platforms, including social media.

Moreover, today’s social media allows all parties to upload anything and become producers of the discourse they develop. So it will be very easy to attract many sympathizers, especially from the younger generation who may still be unstable and don’t have enough experience, and they are also active users of social media.

For this reason, the public is advised not to be easily influenced by various negative issues which could be deliberately raised by radical groups in order to spread their teachings.

As data from the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) found, there are at least three groups who are vulnerable to exposure to radicalism, namely women, children and teenagers aged 11 to 26 years who are very active in the digital world.

Preventing and countering the spread of radicalism is very important and must continue to be monitored by all parties. Therefore, it is very necessary to have good collaboration between the community and the security forces to successfully break the chain of spreading radical ideology .

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