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Community Figures Play an Important Role in Realizing the Success of the 2024 Regional Elections



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Community Figures Play an Important Role in Realizing the Success of the 2024 Regional Elections

 lsisi team Send an email19 hours ago 

0123 minutes read

By : Sabrina Aulia )*

The 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) will be held simultaneously this year, in order to elect the people’s leaders democratically. All elements of society, including community leaders, are also encouraged to always play an active role in making the regional elections a success and increasing voter participation in the democratic party.

Pilkada is a means of popular sovereignty to elect people’s representatives at the regional level or regional head elections, namely the election of Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Regent, as well as Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

According to KPU regulations, the definition of regional elections is elections carried out directly by residents of local administrative areas who have fulfilled the requirements. Regional elections are held by the KPU at the district/city and provincial levels.

In an effort to make the 2024 regional elections a safe and peaceful success, the role of community leaders is very vital. It is hoped that collaboration between community leaders will be able to increase voter participation and encourage the success of holding regional elections in various regions.

Public figures have significant influence among their communities. They are individuals who are respected and recognized by society for their contributions and leadership. The role of community leaders in regional elections is not only limited to providing support to certain candidates, but also includes efforts to educate and encourage active community participation in the election process.

Increasing voter participation is an important indicator in assessing the success of the regional elections. In some cases, low voter turnout can be caused by a lack of information, distrust of the political system, or apathy towards the electoral process.

This is where the role of community leaders becomes crucial. They can be a bridge between the government, election organizers and the public, by providing accurate information and building trust in the democratic process.

Collaboration between community leaders has a number of benefits that can contribute to the success of the 2024 Pilkada. Community leaders have the ability to mobilize residents in their communities. By collaborating, they can organize voter outreach and education activities more effectively.

Synergy between community leaders who come from various backgrounds can increase public confidence in the election process. When these figures unite and show support for honest and fair regional elections, the public will feel more confident that their votes will be respected and taken into account. This can reduce the levels of skepticism and distrust that often act as barriers to voter participation.

One of the challenges in holding regional elections is the potential for conflict or social tension. Public figures who have influence can act as mediators or mediators in situations that have the potential to cause conflict.

With collaboration between community leaders, they can work together to create a conducive atmosphere, as well as prevent and resolve conflicts that may occur during the campaign period or after the Pilkada results are announced.

The synergy of community leaders can also contribute to strengthening democratic values ​​at the local level. By providing examples of inclusive, transparent and accountable leadership, community figures can become role models for the younger generation and wider society in promoting democratic values.

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