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Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Susiwijono Moegiarso: Indonesia’s Economy Has Increased Drastically in 1 Decade


Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Susiwijono Moegiarso, emphasized that this massive infrastructure development has had a big impact on our economic growth over the past decade.

“Related to connectivity and mobility, such as airports, ports, railway lines, then there are also those related to energy to food sovereignty with 53 dams, food estates with irrigation networks. There is also downstreaming from Special Economic Zones (KEK), to date there are 22. “If we look at the distribution of 15 people outside Java, this will encourage an inclusive economy. The additional workforce has reached 122 thousand workers,” said Susiwijono Moegiarso to the media in Jakarta, Friday (4/10).

Then, if you look at the multiplier effect, from just one construction sector, the linkage to other sectors is very high. For this reason, the government is confident that by continuing infrastructure development in the future, it will not only encourage economic growth which will continue to be maintained at a level above 5 percent, but as stated by the President-Elect, it will aim for it to reach 8 percent.
“For future sustainability, we want to push back some of the infrastructure that we have built in the past 10 years, what will the continuation be like. For example, from 61 dams, we have 53, next we will encourage the irrigation network, optimizing the use of the dam itself,” he added. .

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