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Creative Hub AMANAH Ready to be Inaugurated by President Jokowi, Will Become Home for Young Innovators

Creative Hub AMANAH Ready to be Inaugurated by President Jokowi, Will Become Home for Young Innovators

ACEH – Soon, the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Hebat (AMANAH) Building, which is a Creative Hub Aceh, will be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo. The building, located in Ladong, Aceh Besar Regency, will be a center for the young generation of Aceh to develop creativity, innovation, and abilities in various fields.

One of Aceh’s young content creators, Tika Kalampa, shared how she felt that AMANAH would be a very helpful place for her and other young creators. As a student who is also a teacher, Tika faces many challenges in balancing her passion as a content creator and her academic responsibilities.

“As a student who is currently studying for a teaching profession, I am busy every day with college assignments, teaching practice, and all preparations for my future career. But behind all that busyness, there is one thing that cannot be far from me, namely me, Tika Kalampa, a content creator,” said Tika.

He explained that even though it is sometimes difficult, he still tries to balance academic responsibilities and passion in creating content related to everyday life.

“Even so, I never gave up. I believe that to be a good teacher, we must learn not only in the world of education but also in the world of content,” he continued.

Tika sees AMANAH as a solution for her to continue to develop.

“God willing, this can be realized by joining AMANAH. AMANAH is a creative space present in Aceh to connect creators, innovators, and all creative young people to develop their skills.”

He also invited young people of Aceh to join AMANAH, especially with the imminent inauguration of the new building.

“Soon, the newly built AMANAH Aceh Building will be inaugurated and ready to be a home for creators, innovators, and creative industry players. Come join AMANAH,” he added.

Not only content creators like Tika, AMANAH also attracts the attention of broadcasters and other creative industry players. Bang Rez, a content creator and announcer at Voks Radio Aceh, expressed his pride in being part of Aceh’s creative youth. According to him, AMANAH is a much-needed platform to develop potential in various fields, including the world of voice-over, MC, and broadcasting.

“Being part of the creative young people of Aceh must be very proud. With my passion in basic radio broadcasting, I can develop our voice techniques in the world of voice-over, MC, and football commentator. Make sure to work according to our hobbies and passions,” said Bang Rez.

He added that working according to your passion is the best way to realize your dreams.

“We are very fortunate that now in Aceh there is AMANAH, which of course becomes a space and forum for Acehnese youth to develop creativity, innovation, and technology,” he continued.

He sees AMANAH as a platform that will help Acehnese youth hone their skills on a larger scale.

“Here you can take part in national scale events and training,” he added optimistically.

Bang Rez also expressed his optimism regarding the inauguration of the AMANAH building which will be held soon.

“The AMANAH building or Creative Hub, located in Ladong, will soon be inaugurated and will be a collaboration to accommodate the creativity of Aceh’s youth. So let’s join AMANAH,” he invited.

With the presence of the AMANAH Building, it is hoped that young Acehnese creators and innovators will receive more support to develop their creative ideas. This building is designed not only as a physical facility, but also as an innovation center that facilitates collaboration between creative sectors.

The AMANAH program that has been running on the initiative of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has indeed received a lot of support from various groups, especially young people in Aceh. This program not only provides space for them to work, but also becomes a place where they can hone their skills in the seven leading sectors offered, such as agriculture, fisheries, UMKM, creative industries, to social movements and sports

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