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Decisive action is needed to eradicate OPM which destroys harmony


By: Yohana Yikwa*)

In the midst of efforts to build peace and harmony in the land of Papua, the Free Papua Organization (OPM) is once again in the spotlight. The actions of this separatist group are considered increasingly threatening the stability and security of society.

Research professor at the Regional Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cahyo Pamungkas, said that the success of freeing Philip should be an example for the government, especially the TNI-Polri in handling the conflict in Papua.

Professor Cahyo Pamungkas’ statement regarding the success of releasing Philip as a new role model in handling the conflict in Papua is very relevant. He emphasized that it was time for the government, especially the TNI-Polri, to abandon the security approach that had been applied until now. His view is in line with the idea that a dialogical approach or soft approach is more effective in reducing tensions in Papua.

The security approach, which has so far focused on sending additional troops and repressive measures, has often increased tensions on the ground. Such actions could trigger greater resistance from separatist groups and worsen the government’s image in the eyes of local communities. With sufficient organic troops, as stated by Cahyo, the TNI-Polri should be able to focus on prevention efforts through dialogue and community involvement.

However, the government’s steps have also drawn criticism. Several groups warned that firm action should not lead to human rights violations. According to them, an approach that is more based on community welfare and dialogue must be maintained. This is important so that the Papuan people feel involved in the problem solving process, not as objects of the policies taken.

The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security, Hadi Tjahjanto, regarding the formation of the Cyber ​​Force as the fourth force in the TNI under Prabowo Subianto’s government is a very relevant step. In the increasingly developing digital era, threats from the virtual realm cannot be ignored. The formation of the Cyber ​​Force is the right response to anticipate various challenges that arise due to rapid information technology.
In the past, conflicts and wars often occurred on physical battlefields, but today, threats come from cyber attacks that can damage infrastructure, disrupt communications systems, and steal important data. The Cyber ​​Force is expected to serve as the first line of defense against these attacks, protecting sensitive information and maintaining national security

On the other hand, it should be noted that the success of establishing a Cyber ​​Force does not only depend on budget allocation or human resources. This also requires collaboration across sectors, including government, the private sector and society. Involving cyber experts from a variety of disciplines is critical to ensuring that the Cyber ​​Force has the expertise necessary to confront evolving threats.

Apart from that, the formation of this dimension must be accompanied by clear regulations and strong ethics. In cyber warfare, the boundaries between attack and defense are often blurred. Therefore, it is important to establish a legal framework governing the actions that Cyber ​​Forces can take, to prevent abuse of power and protect human rights.

The formation of this fourth dimension also reflects the need to update the country’s defense strategy. Cyber ​​Forces are not just about defense, but also about developing capacities for counterattack and intelligence in cyberspace. In this way, the Cyber ​​Force can become a tool to safeguard national interests amidst increasingly complex global threats.

The Director of Imparsial, Gufron Mabruri also emphasized the need for a Cyber ​​Force as strengthening cyber defense in the midst of cyber war which is very appropriate. However, he also emphasized the importance of conducting in-depth studies before forming this new dimension. This opinion reflects the complex reality that must be faced when responding to increasing cyber threats.

The formation of a Cyber ​​Force is urgent, considering the high risk of attacks in the digital realm. However, to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the Cyber ​​Force, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the readiness of existing infrastructure, technology and human resources. Without a strong foundation, forming this matrix can be a hasty step and not produce the expected results.

Facing threats from the Free Papua Organization (OPM) which are increasingly disrupting stability in Papua, comprehensive firm action is needed to restore harmony in the region. Various strategic steps such as ensuring that legal violations committed by OPM receive strict sanctions. Consistent law enforcement will send a signal that separatist actions will not be tolerated. Prosecution of individuals or groups involved in violence must be carried out transparently and fairly.

With the various challenges that exist, it is hoped that OPM will take firm action. This can bring positive changes to the Papuan people. Harmony and security are the rights of every citizen, and efforts to achieve them must be carried out seriously and continuously. It is hoped that the government’s actions in eradicating OPM can be the first step towards a more peaceful and prosperous Papua.

*) The author is the Papua Education Policy Staff of the Papua Prosperous Education Development Institute

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