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Development of Health and Education in Papua is the Government’s main concern


By :  Charles Tabuni )*

The government is developing Papua so that there is equity from Sabang to Merauke. In building the Cendrawasih Earth, it is not only the infrastructure that is made. But there is also the creation of health and education programs. The development of health and education is very important so that Papuans are always healthy and smart.

Development in the Papua region aims for the welfare of the people. President Jokowi since his first election in the first term (2014) has promised to advance Indonesia, especially in the Cendrawasih Land. This promise has been kept, and now there are results, such as Sentani International Airport and full electrification in Papua and West Papua.

In addition to infrastructure development such as airports, the government is also carrying out developments in the health and education sectors. Papuan people need higher education in order to have a good standard of living. Then, they also have to be healthy so that they are enthusiastic about working and developing their own area.

In development in the field of education, the government provides special autonomy funds to make it happen. The Special Autonomy budget is not only a physical building, but also scholarships for outstanding Papuan sons. The Special Autonomy scholarship is given so that Papuan children can go to school from elementary to high school, even to university.

Community leader of Karubaga District, Tolikara Regency, Karmin Yikwa stated that the presence of Otsus really helped the community, especially in Tolikara. He is also optimistic that the presence of Otsus will have a positive impact on indigenous Papuans (OAP). Especially in the fields of education, health, development, and the economy, so that OAP is progressing.

Otsus is also very useful in the field of education, because there are scholarships for outstanding Papuan children. Their parents are calm because tuition fees and school fees are covered by the Special Autonomy funds, so that sons and daughters can study up to senior high school. Even those with thin brains can also go to college with an Special Autonomy scholarship, and can choose to go to campuses in Papua or Java, and abroad.

Meanwhile, Thomas Eppe Sapanfo, Deputy Regent of Asmat, stated that the Special Autonomy scholarship had a positive impact. The reason is because apart from providing scholarships for Papuan sons, there is a special program for those who have graduated from high school. Young people can register to become soldiers, and all costs from recruitment to training. They can realize their dream of becoming guardians of the Republic of Indonesia.

According to Thomas, there should be socialization about the success of the Special Autonomy program. The program was not only broadcast in Papua, but also in all parts of Indonesia. So, all the people will know that this program has been successful, and they will support the extension of Otsus, because it has been proven to advance Papua in various fields.

The Special Autonomy Scholarship for Papuan youths who are soldiers is very good because it helps them to realize their goals. With government assistance, registration and transportation fees will be covered.

Young people who succeed thanks to the Special Autonomy scholarship will become TNI soldiers who have a high sense of responsibility. They are happy to be assigned to their homeland and protect the community from the malignity of the KST (Separatist and Terrorist Group).

Education is the government’s concern for the welfare of Papua. The children there are guaranteed to go to high school and get an Special Autonomy scholarship. Human resource development is also important. Do not let children drop out of school because of financial problems and the location of the school is far away.

If Papuan youths have graduated from college, of course they can apply for jobs as office employees, not just casual laborers. Salaries are higher than usual and people’s lives automatically become more prosperous. Education is a long-term investment and programs to improve human resources can change  the mindset  of the people there about the importance of schools.

Meanwhile, in Papua there is also development in the health sector. Especially in remote areas of Papua which are still facing endemic malaria and other diseases. The more Puskesmas and other health facilities that are built, the closer it is to medical treatment. Health facilities are also complete with representative health workers, medicines and medical devices.

Speaker of the Papuan Parliament Jhony Banua Rouw, SE emphasized that the health insurance program for indigenous Papuans in the form of the Papuan Healthy Card (KPS) is still valid but will be integrated into the BPJS as one of the national health insurances organized by the government.

The KPS program intended for Indigenous Papuans (OAP) will continue to apply. However, this KPS is not the main one, but backs up the BPJS. It is the government’s duty to provide health insurance for the people of Papua, especially for indigenous Papuans.

There are only Referral Hospitals in Papua in Jayapura, therefore members of the DPR Papua will invite Acting Governors in the four new provinces to take part, in this case backing up the budget related to this KPS. So that when there are referrals from the area of ​​origin of patients with KPS guarantees, they will still be served at referral hospitals in Jayapura City, both Abepura Hospital and Jayapura Hospital.

Development in Papua is carried out thoroughly. Not only infrastructure development but also for the education sector, by providing special autonomy scholarships. Then, development in the health sector is also very important, so that people stay healthy and enthusiastic about working.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta 

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