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DOB is a real manifestation of President Jokowi making Papua prosperous


Papua has an area almost 3 to 4 times the size of Java Island with a population of around 5 million. The size of the area is a challenge in accelerating development. Apart from that, the geographical terrain in Papua is also difficult to reach. For this reason, DOB answers various challenges to improve the welfare of the people in Papua.

Chairman of the Papuan Student Conference/KMP Indonesia, Moytuer Boymasa, said that the expansion of Papua Province was an effort to accelerate the development and welfare of the Papuan people. The existence of 4 new autonomous regions is a request from the Papuan people which has been awaited for quite a long time and in 2022 their request was realized. The four new autonomous regions will also be more effective in improving the quality of government governance, increasing national and regional competitiveness, and maintaining locality (customs, culture).

Previously, Papua was a disadvantaged area, but the development of new autonomous regions is a step to reach remote areas in Papua, to obtain health services, education and other economic activities that can improve the welfare of indigenous Papuans. For this reason, his party invites all Indonesian people, youth, students, and especially indigenous Papuans to support the acceleration of development of the Papua Special Region.

It is known that accelerating the development of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua is not just an administrative policy, but is a strategic initiative in an effort to eliminate disparities that have long plagued communities in the region. Regional expansion or New Autonomous Regions (DOB) will organize various fields including administration and bureaucracy to make it easier for the state to serve the community.

The Regent of Mimika, Eltinus Omaleng, said that DOB is a concrete form of equal distribution and acceleration of development and services to the community. The current expansion of the province in Papua reflects the expansion of the Province in Papua which currently reflects the expansion of West Papua Province which he claims is capable of bringing progress to Papua. Meanwhile, the aim of this regional expansion is an effort to create equitable development and is expected to facilitate the reach of government services in the Papua region.

The realization of the New Autonomous Region in Papua can be the best effort to provide accelerated development and equality as a right that must and must be accepted by Papuans who are part of the Republic of Indonesia. With the existence of DOB, of course this will provide new opportunities for Regional Sons to further develop their potential. Moreover, this expansion contains the aim of dividing the tasks of Regional Government which is increasingly specific and reaches a greater focus on regions and regional communities in more detail.

The existence of a new autonomous region in Papua gives hope for equitable development in Papua. The Papua expansion policy is a mandate and implementation of Law (UU) Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua, specifically Article 76. Thus, the main foundation of the three expansion bills must guarantee and provide space for OAP. It is hoped that the regulations created can become a concrete legal umbrella, especially in the implementation of governance in the early stages and in the following periods in the three provinces.

Having a new autonomous region in Papua will of course help facilitate health services, education, and even administration with the government. With DOB there will be more positions for governors, regents/mayors, members of the DPR, DPD and also DPRD. This means that there will be far more local Papuan politicians accommodated in seats of power. Thus, the mission of Special Autonomy (Otsus) for the welfare of the people will be achieved slowly.

Progress after the construction of new autonomous regions is because people will be closer to public service centers, and of course this will be followed by the construction of other facilities such as health centers, terminals and various facilities that can be used by the community. The government’s main task is to serve the community, so that the development of new autonomous regions is an effort to speed up the service process in Papua.

Student at the IT-PLN Institute of Technology Jakarta, Salma Arthagrit Nadiru, said that the Papua expansion policy was considered to contribute to the acceleration and equitable distribution of development in Papua. He hopes that development in Papua will continue to be encouraged, because it can stimulate progress which will also have an impact on improving the quality of everything. The acceleration of new autonomous development will of course provide new opportunities for local people to develop their potential. The development of new autonomous regions also aims to divide regional government tasks into increasingly specific areas and focus on areas far from the center of government.

Development in Papua really needs to be increased so that it is evenly distributed. So, it’s not only big cities like Jayapura or Merauke that have good infrastructure. But also other areas such as Nabire, Yahukimo, Intan Jaya, Mimika, and other areas in the easternmost region of Indonesia.

The Government’s strong desire to realize the welfare of the Indonesian people is realized through a commitment to building human resources, infrastructure development, and supporting fair development policies for the benefit of society. In this way, Papua can immediately become a region that is economically and humanly advanced, with a prosperous community life.

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