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Election Postponement Causes Legal Uncertainty, DPR Members: Must Be Addressed


Jakarta — Members of the DPR said that disputes and chaos regarding the issue of postponing elections must be resolved immediately because they can cause legal uncertainty in Indonesia.

Secretary of the PPP faction of the DPR RI, Achmad Baidowi asked the Panel of Judges for the Central Jakarta District Court to make the PT DKI Jakarta decision as jurisprudence regarding the lawsuit filed by the Berkarya Party.

According to him, the panel of judges should be able to reject the lawsuit for postponing the 2024 elections because it is not within the authority of the District Court.

“The decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court which annulled the decision of the Central Jakarta district court number 757/pdtg/2022 Central Jakarta PN dated March 2, 2023 must become the jurisprudence of the Central Jakarta District Court in handling the lawsuit against the Berkarya Party and the Republican Party,” he said.

The Central Jakarta District Court does not have the authority to adjudicate election disputes at all.

This has also been stipulated in Law no. 7/2017 on Elections, in which election disputes should be resolved by Bawaslu, Administrative Court and MK.

The man who is familiarly called Awiek then asked the KPU to further strengthen their arguments and data.

“We also ask the KPU to strengthen the arguments and data on electoral regulations so that they are not cheated in the trial process at the PN,” he said.

Furthermore, he asked KY to supervise the behavior of the panel of judges at the Central Jakarta District Court.

For him, with the role and function of the existence of KY, it will bring improvements to the justice system in Indonesia.

The member of the DPR RI also explained that the lawsuit regarding the postponement of the elections by the Central Jakarta District Court actually has the potential to bring legal uncertainty.

Therefore, according to Awiek, this chaos must be resolved immediately.

“The increase in lawsuits by political parties at the Central Jakarta District Court by adopting the Prima Party measure has the potential to cause legal chaos, causing legal uncertainty in the administration of elections,” he said.

“If it is not resolved in court, there will be upheavals in election preparations,” Awiek concluded.

Meanwhile, the KPU itself revealed that it had made a lot of preparations in facing the lawsuit from the Berkarya Party.

The KPU is even very optimistic about the preparations they have made and believes that the lawsuit from the Berkarya Party will be rejected by the Central Jakarta District Court.

“We have made all the preparations,” said KPU RI member Mochammad Afifuddin.

In a similar vein, the KPU RI’s attorney, Heru Widodo, also said that election disputes were not within the jurisdiction of the general court.

“We will convey (in the upcoming trial) that absolutely this is not the authority of the general court,” said Heru.

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