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Encouraging Synergy in Improving DOB Fund Management


The government has budgeted funds for the New Autonomous Region (DOB), for 4 new provinces in Papua. This policy has of course received support from the Papuan people with collaboration related to fund management. Because the budgeted money is very large, of course collaboration with Orang Asli Papua (OAP) will make it easier to arrange DOB funds.

The four new autonomous regions in Papua are the Provinces of Papua Highlands, Southwest Papua, South Papua and Central Papua. The addition of new autonomous regions is the aspiration of the people in Cenderawasih Earth. The government granted their request by dividing the area, and adding new autonomous regions because it aims to make the people of Papua more prosperous, because if there is a new autonomous region, funds will automatically come from the regional budget.

APBD funds in each new autonomous region can certainly be used to build infrastructure, health and community empowerment programs. Infrastructure development is prioritized so that new provinces have buildings with more complete facilities.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri) John Wempi Wetipo explained that the budget requirement for development in the four new autonomous regions in Papua is Rp 9.9 trillion. The central government has assisted the four new autonomous regions in Papua in the amount of IDR 6.6 trillion, with details of IDR 3.6 trillion being budgeted for 2024. Meanwhile, the remaining IDR 3.3 trillion will be the responsibility of the 4 new autonomous regions through the APBD.

John W Wetipo said that the absorption of the existing budget in Papua Province is no more than 10 percent, budget realization in Highlands Papua is only around 15 percent of the total budget allocation that has been determined in the provincial APBD and Central Papua is only 4 percent. Meanwhile, it is not known exactly how much of the budget has been absorbed for Southwest Papua.

To manage DOB funds in 2023, collaboration from various parties is needed. One of them is from Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) which is committed to helping accelerate the improvement of people’s welfare, especially OAP. Its contribution will be implemented through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Collaborative Program.

The Head of the USAID Collaborative Program, Caroline Tupamahu, stated that local governments (Pemda) are also still faced with challenges in accountability for local governance that are not yet optimal. Including, the lack of citizen participation, especially OAP, in local government governance.

With help from outsiders, of course, it is hoped that the DOB funds will be 100% right on target and can be used to improve the standard of living of the Papuan people. Where this will also have an impact on governance in the 4 new autonomous regions which will get better.

Meanwhile, the Acting Governor of Southwest Papua, Muhammad Musa’ad explained, the addition of Rp. 11 trillion to the budget for building office centers in the four new autonomous regions, namely Southwest Papua, South Papua, Central Papua and Highlands Papua, has eased the burden on the provincial budget.

He admitted that he had been greatly assisted because the DOB funds, which were originally only Rp. 9.9 trillion, have now increased to Rp. 11 trillion. Even publicly, President Jokowi has stated that there is an increase in the budget for the plan to build the head office of the newly formed provincial government. Thus, the provincial APBD which was originally planned for the construction of government offices will be allocated for community service needs.

In this regard, the provincial government of Southwest Papua continues to prepare strategic matters to support the development of an office center in the region. One of the efforts being made is holding a meeting with the Sorong district government to discuss matters relating to the handing over of land certificates that will be used for the construction of the Southwest Papua Provincial government center at the Wombik Stadium location, precisely at kilometer 16, Sorong city.

Thus, when the asset certificate was handed over, he ensured that it would be immediately followed up with the development process. In addition to offices, the Southwest Papua Provincial government plans to build a sports activity area.

However, as long as the representative sports facilities have not been built, the Wombik Stadium building will be maintained and while revitalizing several parts of the stadium to become an icon. Musa’ad stated that the target land used for the construction of an office center area of ​​100 hectares, with details of 52 hectares, had been handed over by the Sorong District Government, while the rest was in the process of seeking ulayat rights voters.

In the near future, the plan is to lay the first stone for the construction of the Southwest Papua Province government headquarters. This of course shows that the new autonomous regions have the enthusiasm to move forward and develop through development.

The collaboration of various parties in managing DOB funds has in fact received support from the Papuan people. Especially if the collaboration aims to ensure that the DOB funds are truly on target for the welfare of the community. With this assistance, OAP will be helped and they can just work so that the program being launched can run smoothly.

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