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Evidence of an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia, the government is serious about reducing poverty in Papua


The government is very serious about reducing the rate of extreme poverty in Papua. This is clear evidence that the Earth of Cenderawasih is indeed an integral part that cannot be separated from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Because whatever happens in Papua will certainly also have an impact on this nation, so of course kExtreme poverty there must be reduced as much as possible.

If extreme poverty still exists in Papua, it will also have a bad impact on this nation. The seriousness and strong commitment of the Indonesian Government in seeking what is best for the easternmost province of the country certainly no longer needs to be doubted and indicates the position of Bumi Cenderawasih as an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia.

Deputy for Coordination of Increasing Social Welfare at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), Nunung Nuryanto is also very optimistic that regions in Papua, including Mountain Papua, South Papua and Central Papua will be able to reduce the rate of extreme poverty.

As in data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in March 2023, Papua itself had an extreme poverty rate of 7.67 percent. This means that this figure has decreased quite significantly, namely 3.25 percent from the previous year in 2022 with the number of extreme poverty at 10.92 percent.

Apart from that, the map for handling extreme poverty between Regional Government Organizations (OPD) has so far been running very well in each region in Papua in order to continue to optimize efforts to eliminate extreme poverty.

All mapping data in the context of efforts to reduce extreme poverty rates has indeed been well identified. Then, in the future, it is hoped that all relevant stakeholders will be able to work together and take their role in any process, including business, to deal with multidimensional poverty.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo (Jokowi) himself has also set a target of reducing extreme poverty to zero percent by 2024, which is six years faster than the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target through Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 4 of 2022.

The Presidential Instruction assigns all Governors and Regents or Mayors to directly coordinate and lead efforts to accelerate the elimination of extreme poverty in their respective regions, including in Papua, and report the results of this implementation to the Head of State through the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture every three months.

It is also hoped that the joint work that has been built so far between parties such as the P3KE Data Task Force and all local Regional Government (Pemda) parties in the Papua region, both parent and expansion areas, can continue to increase to fully support efforts to suppress extreme poverty.

Indeed, extreme poverty is still the main challenge faced by Papua to date. Therefore, the Person in Charge (Acting) Governor of Papua Province, Ridwan Rudalamun, explained that the program for handling stunting, inflation and extreme poverty continues to be a very important national and regional program to receive serious attention and serious treatment.

The involvement of all parties from various elements to be able to unite in a spirit of mutual cooperation and a strong commitment to overcome extreme poverty is very important.

Handling extreme poverty in Papua itself clearly requires collaboration from all relevant stakeholders such as the central government, regional government, private institutions, the private sector and other civil society to be able to provide each other with recommendations, input and innovative solutions to further accelerate Papua’s development.

In terms of assessing the status of the Earth of Cenderawasih itself in Indonesia, there is actually no need to doubt that the easternmost province of the country is indeed an integral part of this nation.

In fact, from national law to international law, all of them have emphasized this, that Papua cannot be separated from the Republic of Indonesia at all and no party has the right to separate the region from Indonesia.

The Indonesian Government continues to make maximum efforts to improve the welfare of all Papuan people, including through various methods. One of them is continuing to strengthen Papua’s regional autonomy and expanding the region.

The development policies that have been implemented by the government have also focused heavily on the welfare of local communities to realize the vision of inclusive and sustainable development on the Earth of Cenderawasih.

If you look at the government’s commitment and seriousness in reducing the rate of extreme poverty in Papua, of course this indicates that the Earth of Cenderawasih is an integral part that cannot be separated from the Republic of Indonesia.

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