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Government Encourages Long-Term Development of New Autonomous Region in Papua


The government has been very optimal in continuing to encourage the formulation of long-term strategic development policies in the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua. This aims to further maximize the impact of the good benefits that will be felt by the indigenous Papuan people (OAP).

A program or decision, especially if it is a policy that is strategic in nature, should be designed and also thought about how the program will continue even up to the medium and long term in the future.

This makes a decision not to be taken carelessly and only emphasizes how it seems to improve, but in fact it only happens in the short term. In fact it becomes very important if the goodness or positive impact of the policy can be felt continuously.

Moreover, in an area that is being focused on being able to be advanced in a priority manner, such as in the Cenderawasih Earth region. Therefore, in order to realize the acceleration of development in the Land of Papua, the provision of regional divisions took place through the new autonomous regions provisions.

The government itself clearly will not make a policy without careful consideration and formulation by many related parties, including inviting all other experts to academics to discuss the policy together.

It is the same with the policies that will be implemented by the Government in Papua. The Directorate General (Dirjen) for Regional Development Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), has provided assistance to discuss various strategic issues regarding how the policy direction is for long-term development in as many as 4 (four) Papua New Guinea between the Center and the Regions.

The existence of this assistance is intended to be able to capture all inputs up to an initial view of how problems and strategic issues occur. This includes being able to formulate what the policy direction will look like as well as the regional development planning program for the long term of 2025 to 2045, especially in the 4 (four) new autonomous regions of Papua.

Regarding this effort, the Director of Regional Development Planning, Evaluation and Information (PEIPD) Iwan Kurniawan said that indeed various matters regarding regional policies themselves have been included in Law (UU) Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government (Pemda), that Regional Autonomy are the rights, authorities and obligations of an autonomous region to be able to regulate and manage its own governmental affairs to what the interests of the local community are in the system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

He hopes that this assistance will be able to bring many benefits and also be able to get the expected results, namely to be able to provide recommendations regarding the direction of development and regional development for the 4 (four) Provinces in the new autonomous regions for the long term.

It should also be noted that the Directorate General of Regional Development Development itself is currently in the process of preparing the guidelines for the Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD), which contains macro development planning and what the vision and mission look like and the development direction of a region. for the next 20 years, namely for the period from 2025 to 2045.

Of course, with the preparation of the document for the RPJPD it is done to be able to actualize the regional development goals, which are also an integral part of the overall national development. If regional development can be carried out properly, national development will automatically be maximally assisted.

Moreover, when we know how the dynamics have been happening recently, including at the international level, it is indeed very important that the preparation of the RPJPD is continuously adjusted because there are several sections that may not yet be able to be explained in the regulations that currently exist.

To respond and continue to adapt when these dynamics occur, it is only fitting that there will be a rearrangement of the RPJPD that is far more in line with the current conditions on the ground. This is to ensure that the implementation of development in the Papua New Guinea can run optimally.

In the regional development approach carried out by the Government going forward and as outlined in the 2025 to 2045 RPJPD guidelines, it will prioritize humans not only as active subjects of development, but in that case humans are also objects that will fully benefit from this development. .

With the emphasis on human beings being replaced, not only as active development subjects, but human beings as parties who are able to fully benefit from development, it is clear that this is an effort by the Government to continue to optimally encourage the formulation of long-term strategic development policies to Papua New Guinea.

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