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Government Ensures Public Data Remains Safe and Well Encrypted


The government firmly states that public data remains safe and underlines the various proactive steps that have been taken to protect this data, following the hack that occurred at the National Data Center (PDN). It is important for the public to understand that the government has made and continues to make maximum efforts to secure this data. The public does not need to panic, in fact full support for government steps in securing data is really needed.

After the hack, the government acted quickly by conducting an in-depth investigation to find out the extent of the data that had been compromised and what steps needed to be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. A national cyber security team was immediately deployed to trace the hacker’s footsteps and ensure that existing security gaps were immediately closed. This effort shows that the government is serious about dealing with threats to the security of public data.

Head of the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Lt. Gen. (Ret.) TNI Hinsa Siburian, ensured that data stored on the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) server was still safe and encrypted. According to him, even though the hack had taken place, the data at PDNS 2 Surabaya was still inaccessible to any party, showing that data protection was still effective and showing the success of the existing cyber defense system. This success is also the result of various initiatives and policies implemented by the government to improve overall cyber security.






Hinsa explained that BSSN is conducting a digital forensic audit of the condition of PDNS to ensure further security. This process is important to find out the type of attack and the identity of the cybercriminal perpetrator. Hinsa emphasized that BSSN had previously warned the government about the threat of ransomware, and anticipatory steps had been taken.

In addition, coordination between institutions has also been improved to ensure a fast and effective response to any cyber threats. BSSN collaborates with various ministries and institutions to create a unified and integrated cyber defense system. This step is important to ensure that there are no weak spots in our national security network.

In situations like this, it is important for the public to understand that the government has taken various preventive and responsive steps. The Head of BSSN, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) TNI Hinsa Siburian, has provided assurance that the stored data is still safe and the digital forensic audit process continues to be carried out. Public support and trust in government efforts is very necessary so that the recovery process can run effectively.

Apart from that, the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkum HAM), Yasonna Laoly, emphasized that immigration service data transferred to Amazon Web Services (AWS) after the cyber attack was also safe. This shows that the government is not just relying on one resource, but is also using leading cloud service providers to ensure the security of people’s data.

Deputy Minister of Communication and Information (Kominfo), Nezar Patria, also confirmed that public data was still safe after the ransomware attack on PDN. Nezar explained that data from 282 ministries/institutions and regional governments stored in PDN requires a careful migration process to ensure the new storage location is clean from cyber attacks. Nezar emphasized the importance of being careful in the data migration process to prevent the recurrence of security problems.

The steps taken by the government show its seriousness and commitment to maintaining the security of public data. With the collaboration between BSSN, Polri and various related agencies, it is hoped that the perpetrators and the type of attack that occurred can immediately be identified. Ongoing digital forensic audits are proof that the government is not standing still and continues to work hard to ensure that public data remains protected.

The public is advised not to panic and support the government’s efforts to secure data. Community trust and support are very important so that the process of recovering and improving data security can run smoothly. With cooperation from all parties, it is hoped that cyber attacks like this can be prevented in the future and the security of public data remains guaranteed.

Data safety is the government’s top priority. Through the steps that have been taken and will continue to be taken, the government is committed to ensuring that public data remains safe from cyber threats. Support from the community will be an additional strength for the government in this effort. With solid cooperation, we can better face this cyber security challenge and ensure that people’s data is always protected.

Overall, the hack that occurred at PDN is a challenge that we must face together. The government has shown a strong commitment to handling and overcoming this incident with various strategic steps. By uniting and working together, we can ensure that our personal data remains safe and protected.

Therefore, let’s work together to support the government’s efforts to maintain data security. By providing trust and support, we participate in efforts to maintain stability and security of information in our country. The government has shown its seriousness and commitment, and now is the time for all of us to take part. Together, we can face this challenge and ensure the security of people’s data remains guaranteed.

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