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Government Intensifies Development for the Welfare of Papuan People


The government continues to accelerate development to create a much healthier, smarter and more productive Papua. In realizing this, accelerating development is very important.

One of the steps taken by the West Papua Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) or the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) is to hold a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Preparation of the Initial Plan for the RAPBD (Action Plan for Acceleration of Development ) Papua from 2025 to 2029.

The Main Secretary of Bappenas, Himawan Hariyoga Djojokusumo, revealed that the main direction of the FGD was to fully monitor the realization of the Healthy Papua, Smart Papua and Productive Papua policies.

So far, the Government has prepared various targets and indicators to achieve these three things. It is ensured that all districts are actively involved in preparing action plans, which are then consolidated with the West Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov).

Himawan Hariyoga gave an example regarding the mission to create a much healthier Papua, it is important to develop various ways to further improve health status. Not only that, but at the same time these efforts are also balanced by reducing the death rate of mothers giving birth and children born.

Although so far efforts to reduce the death rate of mothers giving birth and children who are born have been carried out at the provincial policy level, to be more optimal, this policy needs to be reduced more specifically, namely at the district or city level because from there the data can be clearer.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said that the true intelligence potential of all young people in Bumi Cenderawasih must continue to increase to the maximum, not only from central government support, but also support Local Regional Government (Pemda).

All parties must be able to be actively involved in developing the region in Papua together. Because only with the togetherness and cooperation of all parties, efforts will be accelerated in realizing an increasingly advanced Papua.

Therefore, it is very important to empower all the next generation of young people in Bumi Cenderawasih because in the future these young people will contribute very positively to become the driving force for the development and progress of the Land of Papua.

Considering that, in fact, there are many sons and daughters from the easternmost province in Indonesia who have graduated from well-known universities in the country, so it is clear that they all have enormous potential to be actively involved in the development of their region.

On the other hand, the Head of West Papua Bappeda, Dance Sangkrek, added that in the FGD carried out, the Government provided increasingly concrete strengthening of authority in efforts to accelerate development in Bumi Cenderawasih.

Strengthening this authority through the issuance of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 24 of 2023 which provides very clear authority and space so that there is no longer any overlap and all policies implemented are much more focused.

Of course, all policies to accelerate Papua’s development cannot only be carried out if it is pursued from the center alone, therefore all parties have an obligation to work together to safeguard it.

Thus, a regional approach was also carried out by mapping the potential in each region. Some of this potential mapping occurs in the tourism sector such as marine tourism, geoparks or more specific ones such as cocoa in Ransiki and the food sector in Manokwari and nutmeg in Fak-Fak.

Dance Sangkrek also stated that various things that stand out from the results of the potential mapping carried out in each region in Papua continue to encourage downstreaming through investment.

So it is clear that all indigenous Papuan communities (OAP) are able to experience multiple benefits from the increase in various sectors that have become prominent, with investment support through downstream investment activities.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said that the potential possessed by the youth of Bumi Cenderawasih must continue to be empowered, because in fact many of them are intelligent children and are able to continue to increase their involvement in development.

There are three important approaches that must be taken in order to overcome development delays in Papua. The three approaches are the cultural approach, the awareness approach and the social approach.

These three approaches are much more effective in overcoming development delays in Bumi Cenderawasih because they are able to involve all elements of society and government down to the regional level, including involving the young generation of the nation’s successors in Bumi Cenderawasih.

To create a Papua that is much healthier, smarter and more productive than before, the Indonesian Government continues to intensify various steps to accelerate development.

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