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Growing the Regional Creative Economy, AMANAH Accompanying the Success of MSMEs



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Friday, August 16, 2024

Growing the Regional Creative Economy, AMANAH Accompanying the Success of MSMEs

By: Cut Putri Intan

Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Besar (AMANAH) accompanies Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to grow the regional creative economy through seminars with figures who have high influence.

Aceh is a region rich in culture, rich in marine products, mining and plantations. Rencong country has great potential to become a pioneer of MSMEs in Indonesia. Through AMANAH, MSMEs also receive special assistance to make them successful. 

Through the Five Student Youth Organizations, the seminar which was held to help MSMEs improve business among students was held at the South Aceh Regent’s Hall Hall on Wednesday, August 14 2024.

The five OKPs include SEMMI South Aceh, BEM Polytechnic, PC IPPNU South Aceh, South Aceh Tourism Ambassador, and HMPS Poltekkes South Aceh together with AMANAH to increase creative economy businesses among students and young people.

The event entitled ‘Building a Creative Business’ presented 3 influential figures, namely, Yuliana Irvana Rasyidi, Novita Rosmita, and Yusra. The three of them were speakers on material related to creative business in Aceh Province.

Yuliana Irvana Rasyidi said that to achieve the target of productive businesses for the people of South Aceh, MSME income must be increased by 80 percent. Thus, South Aceh must also be able to compete with the 23 districts and cities in Aceh.

Nevertheless, Acehnese students and young people must also be alert and able to think creatively and productively, to increase productive business targets in South Aceh. 

In line with this, Novita as a member of the South Aceh DPRK said that as an entrepreneur you must have a strong mentality. There are many challenges that entrepreneurs must overcome, so as entrepreneurs you must have mental strength of steel. So that later it doesn’t fall easily.

Building a business does require strong ideas and mentality. One of the things that needs to be prepared is the mental ups and downs of opening a business. If someone has this mentality, then they will easily be able to develop their business. It is also hoped that the community and students of South Aceh will do the same.

Meanwhile, Central Aceh also held a seminar by the Student Government (Pema) of Gajah Putih University which also collaborated with AMANAH. The seminar also did not go far in discussing MSMEs among students.

The seminar raised the theme ‘Monology of MSME Entrepreneurs in Students’ which presented as presenters the Head of the Central Aceh Cooperatives and MSMEs Service, Marwandi Munthe, Mala Hayato as a female figure of Central Aceh MSMEs, and PLN iconnet Central Aceh.

Marwandi Munthe, said that the income of Central Aceh MSMEs had increased by 3.25 percent since COVID-19. Currently, he is encouraging students to become entrepreneurs amidst the perception that education is only for becoming employees. 

Furthermore, Munthe explained that there were several factors that were the problem, one of which was a lack of capital and knowledge. However, this can be overcome with training support from the government and educational institutions. 

However, students do not need to worry and can play an active role in creating jobs and increasing the competitiveness of MSMEs. Not only students, other young people also have the same opportunity to become young entrepreneurs.

Meanwhile, Mala Hayati emphasized that increasing the role of MSMEs must start from each individual. This means that each individual must have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, so that MSMEs can develop, especially in Central Aceh.

According to him, currently Central Aceh already has approximately 2,000 homestay rooms, but for big events such as New Year, there is still not enough accommodation for tourists visiting Central Aceh. What does it mean? Central Aceh has great potential in the tourism sector which must be developed.

Students who are predicted to be the next generation of the nation and future leaders must now start to be active in developing their regional MSMEs. This is because MSMEs have a very large and important role in economic growth, especially in Central Aceh.

On the other hand, the government also continues to strive to improve MSMEs in each region. Together with AMANAH, Heru Ramadan as the activity organizer hopes that this useful activity will continue in the future. He also did not forget to thank AMANAH for collaborating with students in Central Aceh.

Thus, the success of MSMEs cannot be separated from the active role of the nation’s next generation such as students and government support to continue to strive to improve the regional economy through various programs so that MSMEs continue to grow. Through AMANAH, MSMEs receive assistance to increase their growth.

Together with AMANAH, it is time for Acehnese young men and women to build the future of Rencong Country in the world of entrepreneurship and participate in being pioneers of positive change in the business world. Exploring potential and taking advantage of existing opportunities will make Aceh even more advanced on the national stage.

*) Psychology Student, Muhammadiyah University of Aceh (Unmuha)

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