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Holding the “Independence Festival from Papua for Indonesia”, PYCH Assisted by BIN Was Greeted by Jakarta Residents with Enthusiasm


The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) also held activities to welcome the Republic of Indonesia’s anniversary by holding the Independence Day Festival from Papua for Indonesia at Banteng Square, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta.

PYCH invited Papuan artists who are in Jakarta to enliven the event and was attended by 1,000 people in Jakarta.

PYCH assisted by BIN held an Independence Day event from Papua for Indonesia in Jakarta, which was the first time it was held outside the province of Papua. “This is the first time, we are making PYCH activities not in Jayapura,” said Julio Faot, one of the PYCH Music Band personnel.

Previously, PYCH, represented by Music Anak Comment (MAC), had been summoned by President Joko Widodo to fill an event at the Palace in a flag-raising procession at the Jakarta Palace.

The audience who attended were enthusiastic about the performance brought by MAC and also entertained President Joko Widodo and the invited guests who attended.

Julio said, the Independence Day Performance from Papua for Indonesia which was held at Banteng Field, Central Jakarta was an initiation by young Papuan talents to be creative in Jakarta.

“Yesterday, because MAC was summoned to the State Palace on August 17, we filled in only one song. So, on August 18 we initiated a gathering to celebrate independence in Jakarta, so this is the right momentum,” said Julio.

The Independence Day Celebration from Papua for Indonesia was greeted lively and enthusiastically by the various artists who came. In addition, PYCH also raised book donations at the event.

“Everyone here is 100 percent enthusiastic with us to collaborate, sing, dance, stand up comedy and we also collect books as donations for our friends in Papua,” said Julio.

On the other hand, MAC group personnel representative Morde Sawaki was pleased with his first off air performance which was held in Jakarta. They are grateful to be able to appear on a national scale as well as meet the Papuan people who live in Jakarta.

“I am happy because I can represent Papua. Apart from that, we are proud that as the young generation of Papua we can make Papua and Indonesia proud,” said Morde Sawaki.

“Hopefully, through us, it can be an example for Papuan friends to continue working, prove that you can,” continued Morde.

One of the MAC group personnel Elmar Mac also expressed his joy after appearing on the Independence Day Festival from Papua for Indonesia. “Didn’t expect it to be this busy, we thought the enthusiasm would be normal. What is clear is that we are happy and proud,” said Elmar Mac.

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