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Inter-Group Tolerance Key to Peaceful 2024 Regional Elections


By: Nurul Izzah Aulia*)

As the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) draw closer, the aspect of tolerance between groups is one of the main keys to realizing a peaceful Pilkada. In a political atmosphere that is vulnerable to differences of opinion and competition, it is important for all elements of society to maintain unity and harmony, and avoid conflicts that can threaten social stability.

Inter-group tolerance includes the ability to accept differences of opinion, political background, religion, ethnicity, and tribe, which often trigger tension in the democratic process. Given that the Pilkada is an event to determine the future of a region, maintaining harmony and mutual respect is a strategic step so that this process runs smoothly, without any clash of interests that damage the social order.

In the 2024 Pilkada, the role of all elements of society, from the community to religious leaders, community leaders, and security forces, is an important entity in maintaining peace and stability. One effort that can be made is to organize various activities that support unity, such as grand tabligh, interfaith prayers, or social activities involving various community groups. Activities like this not only create a conducive atmosphere, but also strengthen a sense of togetherness amidst existing differences.

West Kutai Police Chief, AKBP Kade Budiyarta, stated that differences in political views should not be a reason for society to be divided, but should be seen as part of the richness of democracy that needs to be appreciated. With tolerance between groups, society is expected to be able to face the Pilkada with a cool head and maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

Tolerance also plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the election process. When all groups in society are able to respect each other and avoid provocation, then the competition in the Pilkada can take place healthily so that it will encourage each candidate to focus on conveying their vision, mission, and work program without having to engage in negative actions that harm political opponents. That way, the community as voters can focus more on assessing the quality of candidates based on the ideas and programs offered, rather than being influenced by issues that cloud the atmosphere.

In addition, tolerance can also reduce the potential for conflict between supporters of candidates. In some cases, tensions that occur between supporter groups are often triggered by a lack of understanding and awareness of the importance of mutual respect. Therefore, it is important to continue to socialize peaceful messages to the community. One effective way to do this is through political education that provides a deep understanding of the rights and obligations of every citizen in a democracy.

With sufficient knowledge, the public will be able to make smart and wise decisions in choosing leaders. The public will also better understand that the Pilkada is not an event to bring each other down, but a democratic process that aims to choose the best leader for the region which will certainly have an impact on increasing voter participation, because people who feel confident that their votes are valued, tend to be more enthusiastic to come to the polling station.

Peaceful campaigns that are part of the Pilkada process must also be supported by all parties, be it candidates, campaign teams, or the community. Peaceful campaigns are not just slogans, but a commitment to create a conducive atmosphere free from provocation. In this case, the media also has a very important role. Balanced and responsible reporting will help create a calm atmosphere and prevent the community from news that can trigger tension.

Riau Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Mohammad Iqbal, said that the peaceful campaign declaration involving all regional head candidates is an important step to ensure that all parties are committed to maintaining security and order during the Pilkada. This declaration is expected not to be just a formality, but to be followed by real actions in the field, both by candidates and their supporters.

Inter-group tolerance is also an important factor in preventing dirty practices in the regional elections, such as money politics and intimidation. A clean campaign that focuses on programs and ideas will provide a good example to the public that the regional elections can be run transparently and fairly. Public trust in the election process will increase if they see that all parties are polite and do not take actions that damage democracy.

Ultimately, tolerance between groups is not only the responsibility of certain parties, but also all levels of society. In the 2024 Pilkada, synergy between the government, security forces, candidates, campaign teams, media, and the community is essential to create a peaceful and dignified Pilkada. Through this collaboration, Indonesia will be able to run the Pilkada smoothly, without any conflicts that threaten the stability of the country.

Inter-group tolerance must continue to be fostered so that the democratic process in Indonesia can run well. The success of a peaceful Pilkada is not only about electing leaders with integrity, but also about strengthening the foundation of democracy which is the main pillar in maintaining national unity.

)* Political Science student from Surabaya

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