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Led by President Jokowi, Indonesia Shows Real Action at the Bali AIS Summit


Bali – The 2023 Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Summit (Summit) will be held in Bali from 10-11 October 2023. In this inaugural forum chaired by President Jokowi, Indonesia has produced a number of concrete actions.

It is known that Indonesia itself has taken concrete action through sustainable funding of the island nation forum. This was conveyed directly by the Deputy for Maritime Sovereignty and Energy Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) Jodi Mahardi.

“The funding commitment is from 2022 to 2025,” he said.

He added that the funding commitment in this forum had really just come from Indonesia. It is hoped that this step can be followed by other countries or international organizations.

Furthermore, the Deputy for Maritime Sovereignty and Energy Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries continued that funding for the AIS Forum would have many positive impacts. One of them is for Indonesia’s leadership in the region and in island and island countries.

“Of course, we hope that this will be a breakthrough for blue economy diplomacy at the global level,” he added

Previously, Indonesia had introduced responsive action in the form of the Seagrass Blue Carbon Mitigation Action Profile at one of the side events of the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum High Level Conference (Summit) in Bali. This document is an integral part of the strategy to tackle climate change and increase blue carbon potential.

The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, explained that this document would serve as a roadmap for Indonesia’s efforts to conserve and restore blue carbon habitats, increasing carbon storage potential for the benefit of the planet and future generations.

“To address the complex problems of climate change, we need diverse commitments and solutions. “The Seagrass Blue Carbon Mitigation Action Profile will be part of increasing Indonesia’s national contribution target (NDC) in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and will become a roadmap for determining steps towards a more sustainable and resilient future,” he concluded.

In the Seagrass Blue Carbon Mitigation Action Profile, Indonesia will focus on steps such as intervention in regulations on the use of marine space and restoration of seagrass meadows. These measures are projected to contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions by 2030.

Apart from that, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is also encouraging community participation in efforts to protect and collect data related to seagrass beds.

“To support this, an application is being developed that is easy for the public to use and the construction of the Blue Carbon Room, a centralized room to monitor blue carbon activities in Indonesia,” he added.

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