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Maintain the Sanctity of Ramadan, Reject Radicalism and Terrorism


Jakarta – The holy month of Ramadan should be a moment to strengthen the values ​​of peace and tolerance in society. However, challenges such as the spread of deviant teachings and acts of intolerance are still a concern. Several parties have also called for the importance of maintaining the sanctity of Ramadan by rejecting radicalism and terrorism.
Commander of Kodim 0304/Agam, Lieutenant Colonel Arm Bayu Ardhitya Nugroho, S.H., M.Han., invited the public to be more vigilant against deviant teachings, especially those that mislead the understanding of jihad.
“Avoid deviant teachings. Prevent radicalism and terrorism as well as a mistaken understanding of jihad. Ramadan must be a momentum to instill peaceful Islam in life,” said Bayu.
This invitation is in line with the government’s efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism that often takes advantage of religious moments to spread violent ideologies. An understanding of Islam that is rahmatan lil ‘alamin must continue to be instilled so that society is protected from extremism.
In addition, sweeping actions carried out by a number of community organizations (Ormas) have also received criticism. The Head of Prabu Foundation, Asep Muhargono, emphasized that the action did not reflect the behavior of students and residents of Islamic boarding schools.
“This action does not reflect the behavior of students and residents of Islamic boarding schools at all. In fact, it is closer to the pattern of radical, intolerant groups, even similar to acts of terrorism that spread fear in society,” said Asep Muhargono.
Asep, who is also a former Mudir Am Laznah, emphasized that intolerant behavior is not in line with the spirit of Ramadan. He encourages a more persuasive and educational approach in upholding religious norms without prioritizing violence and threats.
Similarly, the Advisor of the Jelai Kasih Indonesia Foundation, Timotius Tanu Tama, expressed that harmony must continue to be pursued so that society can respect each other.
“With harmony, we can respect each other. Therefore, harmony must be pursued,” he said while attending a breaking of the fast together which also invited former terrorist convicts (napiter).
Meanwhile, the Head of the Persadani Foundation, Sri Pujimulyo Siswanto, stated that this activity is a real form of efforts to instill the values ​​of tolerance and togetherness.
“We show that this activity together with Jelai Kasih Indonesia will be socialized with former convicts. We want to show a form of tolerance and togetherness with former convicts who have just been released,” he said.
Support for government policies in countering radicalism and terrorism is further strengthened by the synergy between security forces, social institutions, and community leaders. The government continues to prioritize a deradicalization strategy that not only takes firm action against perpetrators of terrorism, but also builds collective awareness so that radicalism does not develop in society.

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