Maintain the Sanctity of Ramadhan, Reject Provocation and Radicalism
By: Abdul Gani*)
Ramadan is a holy month full of blessings, where Muslims around the world perform their worship with full sincerity. However, in the midst of an atmosphere that should be filled with peace and self-introspection, there are still parties who try to tarnish the sanctity of this month with provocation and radical teachings. Therefore, it is very important for all elements of the nation to maintain the purity of this holy month by rejecting all forms of provocation and radicalism that can damage the unity and peace of society.
Minister of Religion Nasaruddin Umar emphasized that religious teachings should prioritize love and harmony, not differences and hatred. This statement is a reminder to all of us that the diversity in Indonesia is not a source of division, but rather a strength that must be maintained and cared for together. Unfortunately, there are still groups who try to spread radical ideology in the name of religion, especially in the momentum of Ramadan which should be a time to strengthen brotherhood and improve human values.
The approach to religion in Indonesia must be more than just coexistence, where society only lives side by side without harmonious interaction. As conveyed by the Minister of Religion, we must go further by creating true tolerance. It is not enough to just not interfere with each other, but a strong sense of brotherhood must grow among religious communities. If from childhood, people are educated with the understanding that religion must be a source of unity, then in the future there will be no more gaps for radical ideologies to grow and develop.
One of the concrete efforts made by the government in preventing the spread of radical ideologies is through education. The Minister of Religion introduced the Curriculum of Love for Humanity and Respect for Differences as a step to improve the quality of relations between religious communities. This curriculum emphasizes that religious teaching should not focus on differences that can trigger social barriers, but must prioritize unity and compassion. Religious teachers throughout Indonesia are expected to be able to teach these values to their students so that future generations grow up with a more moderate and inclusive understanding.
On the other hand, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) also continues to strive to maintain national security stability by allocating a budget for prevention, protection, and deradicalization. Deputy Chairman of Commission XIII of the DPR Sugiat Santoso appreciated the steps taken by BNPT in implementing the program to prevent radicalism and terrorism, which has proven effective with no terror incidents throughout 2024. This is proof that synergy between the government and the community is very much needed in preventing the threat of radicalism that continues to lurk.
In the context of Ramadan, the community must be more vigilant against provocative efforts that can divide unity. Radical groups often use religious issues to manipulate the emotions of the people and plant seeds of hatred. Therefore, it is important for all of us not to be easily influenced by propaganda that leads to division. Ramadan should be a moment to increase worship, strengthen friendship, and strengthen national and humanitarian values.
In addition to government efforts, the role of the community in maintaining social harmony is no less important. Community organizations, religious figures, and community leaders have a moral responsibility to spread messages of peace and reject all forms of intolerance. The General Chairperson of the United Indonesian Archipelago Fighters (PNIB), Gus Wal, emphasized that the community must be more selective in choosing educational institutions for their children so that they are not exposed to radical ideology. This is important considering the many groups that have infiltrated the world of education to instill teachings that are contrary to national values.
Pancasila as the foundation of the state must remain the main guideline in national and state life. Any attempt to replace Pancasila with a radical ideology must be firmly rejected. As Gus Wal said, groups that want to divide Indonesia under the pretext of religion are actually only trying to create chaos and division. Therefore, nationalism, nationality, and culture must remain the foundation for building social harmony.
The success of security forces in arresting perpetrators of terrorism in various regions, including Bali, shows that prevention efforts must continue to be improved. Although Bali is known as a relatively safe area from acts of terrorism, the threat of radicalism remains real and needs to be anticipated with concrete steps. Densus 88’s efforts to educate the public about the dangers of radicalism are one of the strategic steps that deserve to be appreciated and supported by all ua parties.
Ramadhan is the right time for us to reflect on ourselves and strengthen the values of brotherhood. Maintaining the sanctity of this holy month is not only by carrying out worship devoutly, but also by rejecting all forms of provocation and radicalism that can disrupt the harmony of society. The government has committed to continuing to prevent the spread of radicalism through various strategic programs, but the success of this effort also depends on the active role of the community. With a strong spirit of unity and tolerance, we can keep Indonesia peaceful, harmonious, and harmonious amidst the diversity that exists.
*The author is a student at the Faculty of Islamic Studies