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Monitoring the Development of IKN, President Jokowi Realizes the 2024 Operational Target


The National Capital City (IKN) is under construction and President Jokowi is optimistic that it will be completed on time. The target is that in August 2024 an Indonesian independence ceremony will be held in front of the IKN Presidential Palace. The construction of IKN is being increased to fit the schedule and the results are also good.

The capital city of Indonesia will be moved from DKI Jakarta to North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, and preparations are continuing. The development of IKN must be as perfect as possible because it will represent the face of Indonesia. IKN is called ‘Nusantara’ and is a dynamic, ultra-modern city.

President Jokowi directly monitors the development process of the National Archipelago Institute. He came directly to Penajam Paser Utara, which will be the location of the IKN, to inspect the Minister ‘s Housing , on 23 February 2023. Apart from that, the review was also intended to ensure that the construction of the IKN would be in accordance with the set targets.

President Jokowi stated that the IKN development project was not a short-term project and would take 10 to 15 years to build. However, the President emphasized that construction of IKN infrastructure had already begun in the field. He is optimistic that the development will be in accordance with the target, both infrastructure and the minister’s house.

President Jokowi continued, don’t let the public have doubts (about the construction of the IKN) because at Penajam the project is continuing. One of the infrastructures that has started construction is housing for ministers. The President gave a target that the construction of the 36 ministerial houses should be completed by June 2024. There is a target that on August 17 2024 there will be a flag ceremony in the National Capital (Archipelago).

In a sense, the construction of IKN is predicted to be in accordance with the target set by the government, and in August 2024 the Indonesian independence ceremony will no longer be held in DKI Jakarta, but at IKN Nusantara. The government is optimistic that the construction will be according to the set schedule and there will be no setbacks.

The community does not need to worry about the progress of the IKN development because the project continues and can be accounted for. President Jokowi also stated that the funds were available (to build the IKN). Apart from using APBN funds, it also uses investor funds so that it is guaranteed that there will be no stalled projects.

President Jokowi spent the night at IKN Nusantara together with Mrs. Iriana, and continued his visit on 24 February 2023. He stated that a Football Training Center would be built at IKN.

Meanwhile, to build the National Archipelago’s IKN, it cannot only be done in 2-3 months, but up to 10 to 15 years in the future (as President Jokowi has stated). The construction took quite a long time because IKN was built as perfectly as possible, to become a smart city as well as a green city.

Governor of East Kalimantan Isran Noor stated that the IKN project will be based on green development principles in line with the restoration of East Kalimantan’s environment. Later the function of the environment will really be maintained.

In a sense, the development of IKN is truly in accordance with environmental balance and complies with applicable regulations. There will be no development that will harm the community and make them lose the forest which is the pride of the people of Borneo. It is certain that development will protect the environment, and IKN is indeed set to become a forest city .

The concept of a forest city is indeed appropriate, because in reality Kalimantan was given a gift from God in the form of a green and soothing forest. The city that will be built will be very modern without compromising the existence of forests in East Kalimantan. After all, the forests in Borneo are not only an air filter, but also a place for some people to work as collectors for firewood or leaves that can be sold to the market.

Apart from that, forest city is also in accordance with President Jokowi’s order, that 75% of IKN development must be green. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry will build a nursery so that healthy tree seedlings will grow. The location of the tree seedling nursery is in Mentawir Village, Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, and the area is 35 hectares.

The Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya stated that there is 120 hectares of land for trees in the IKN, which is also the center of the National Germplasm. It is estimated that 12 to 15 million trees are produced per year.

Later the seeds will be planted according to the urban planning plan that has been designed by planologists in the IKN project. It is predicted that the capital city of the archipelago will be an area that is not only ultra modern, but also cool because there are lots of trees there. Indonesia will have a beautiful, green and proud capital city.

Governor Isran Noor continued, the development of a green IKN will benefit future generations. Therefore all stakeholders will collaborate in making it happen. Starting from the local government, project heads, customary heads, to community leaders, they always support the development of the IKN.

In a sense, a green IKN will allow their children, grandchildren and their descendants to enjoy the fresh air. There will be no aridity in Borneo in the future after the capital is moved there. Moreover, Kalimantan is one of the lungs of the world. It is impossible for the government to cut down forests for the sake of the IKN project.

The construction of IKN continues and is directly monitored by President Jokowi. This project is huge, therefore it will take many years until it is 100% complete. IKN will become a city that is both modern and green, and does not change the status of Kalimantan Island as the lungs of the world.

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