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Moya Institute Highlights Indonesia’s Strong Diplomacy at the MSG Summit, Papua Remains Part of the Republic of Indonesia


Moya Institute Highlights Indonesia’s Strong Diplomacy at the MSG Summit, Papua Remains Part of the Republic of Indonesia

Jakarta – Indonesia continues to struggle to maintain its sovereignty, especially regarding the Papua region which is still being undermined by separatist groups.

At the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Summit which took place recently, Benny Wenda, one of the Papuan separatist figures, who used this international forum to disrupt Indonesia’s sovereignty, received various responses from leading figures in the National Webinar by the Moya Institute entitled ” Benny Wenda’s efforts foundered at the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Summit.”

Prof. Dr. Teuku Rezasyah, International Relations Expert at Pajajaran University, Bandung, stated that the Summit Program was extraordinary, and the hard efforts from Indonesia were even interesting, not affected by the movements of Benny Wenda who always sought the separation of Papua from Indonesia.

“Benny always brings signs of Papua’s greatness to the world and attracts world sympathy. “This figure can be said to be a lobbyist because he is trying to make the world aware of the problems he is facing,” said Teuku.

The chairman of the Papua Deliberative Body, Willem Frans Ansanai, also regretted Benny Wenda’s actions which only disturbed the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

“As a son of the Papuan region, when I saw Benny Wenda’s actions, of course to this day I still believe that the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia will remain intact and perhaps he will experience many difficulties like that,” said Willem.

Regarding the MSG Summit, Willem emphasized that after the DOB was responded to by President Jokowi, its implementation has now been carried out well.

“The Papuan people are very enthusiastic about this development. “In fact, the phenomenon of the previous MSG Summit did not really appear within the Papuan community itself,” he added.

The views of Indonesian politicians also believe that Papua is inseparable from the Republic of Indonesia. Reform politician Mahfuz Sidik also expressed his appreciation to the Indonesian delegation at the MSG Summit.

“We need to appreciate the Indonesian delegation at the MSG forum who took firm and appropriate steps by walking out when Benny Wenda delivered his speech, and that attitude influenced the final decision of the MSG Summit,” explained Sidik.

Indonesia’s efforts to strengthen sovereignty have also received appreciation from other parties.

“Indonesia’s achievements at the MSG Summit were very good. “Most of the news on social media about Papua does not match the reality on the ground,” said Observer of Strategic and Global Issues, Prof. Ambassador Imron Cotan, on the same occasion.

Imron noted that most cases of human rights violations were carried out by the Separatist Terrorist Group (KSTP), not by security forces and also by social conflicts between Papuans.

“So it is a myth that serious human rights violations are committed by security forces,” stressed Imron.

He also emphasized that Benny Wenda and ULMWP do not represent the majority of people in Papua.

“Benny Wenda and ULMWP do not represent the majority of people in Papua, because the seven major tribes there are not represented by Benny at all. “At the UN session last year, one of the youth leaders from Benny Wenda village actually raised the Red and White flag in New York that the Republic of Indonesia included Papua,” he concluded.

The Executive Director of the Moya Institute, Hery Sucipto, is optimistic that Papua will never be separated from the Republic of Indonesia because the regional and central governments have committed to and implemented the mandate of the law in building a much more prosperous and brilliant Papua.

“Because it is the obligation and right of all of us to defend against all undermining or attempts to separate ourselves,” he concluded.


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