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Observer: Success of President Jokowi’s Program Must Be Continued by Future Government


Jakarta – A number of observers have emphasized the importance of continuing the economic and development programs that have been implemented by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) so that Indonesia can maintain a positive economic growth rate. According to the Director of the School of Global Strategic Studies, University of Indonesia and economic observer, Athor Subroto, President Jokowi’s leadership has had a significant impact on economic stability and needs to be maintained by the next government.

“Mr. Jokowi has a great passion to grow the Indonesian economy, it has also been responded well by the market. Like it or not, in fact our economy continues to improve,” said Athor. According to him, the efforts made so far, especially in the energy sector, have been able to drive the economy. He added that the continuation of cheaper, greener, and more sustainable energy policies will provide great benefits for domestic production costs.

Athor also highlighted the importance of downstreaming in all sectors as an effort to strengthen the Indonesian economy. “Downstreaming, namely changing raw materials into finished materials, will create a large multiplier effect. If this policy continues, it is not impossible that we can achieve economic growth of up to 8 percent,” he said.

Furthermore, Athor hopes that the next government can immediately realize the various programs that have been planned, so that the community can feel the benefits directly. “The next government must immediately bring benefits to the community, as soon as possible by realizing the various programs that have been planned,” said Athor.

Meanwhile, Political Economy Observer from Bung Karno University, Faisyal Chaniago, revealed that President Jokowi’s government has made a big contribution through a harmonious approach. “The soft approach and embracing all political competitors has brought good political stability during President Jokowi’s 10 years of leadership,” he said.

Faisyal also mentioned the importance of policy harmonization during the transition period to the new government. According to him, the transition period must be well-supervised so that there is no overlapping policy. “In this transition period, it is very important, so that there is no overlapping policy so that all programs can run well. This transition must be carried out until the new cabinet is formed,” he explained.

In addition, Faisyal emphasized that the downstream policy that has been initiated by President Jokowi must continue to be supported by the next government. “Downstreaming will be one of the largest sources of income for the country in the future, and must be carried out sustainably by the next government,” he added.

Overall, observers agree that the success of President Jokowi’s government programs must be maintained and continued so that Indonesia continues to move towards better economic growth. They also emphasized the importance of good coordination during the government transition period to ensure the continuity of ongoing development.

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