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OPM Does Not Get Support from Papuan People


By : Julvri Liben )*

The Free Papua Organization (OPM) does not have the support of all Papuan people at all. The Papuan people strongly condemn all brutal actions and movements of the OPM, because they have damaged the foundations of harmony and peace in the Land of Papua. The Papuan people fully support every effort made by the government through the security forces to take firm action against the OPM, which is the source of chaos in Papua.To eradicate OPM, joint TNI and Polri officers continue to use various methods to narrow their movement in vulnerable areas of Papua. One of them is carrying out patrols at a number of points that are areas prone to OPM attacks. The existence of the OPM is a frightening terror for the Papuan people. They cannot carry out activities freely like ordinary citizens. At all times they must be alert to the appearance of the OPM who could attack, take hostages or burn down their houses.General Chair of the Panca Marga Youth (PPM), Berto Izaak Doko, said that currently the TNI-Polri security forces are trying to create security and peace to accelerate development in the Land of Papua. Apart from that, the government must take a firm stance and not tolerate movements that could disturb public security and order by anyone. This is for the sake of the sovereignty and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).Then in terms of improving welfare, especially in the Papua region, Berto said that all parties should be grateful to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) because in his era the focus was on equitable development, especially in the eastern region of Indonesia, whether it concerned infrastructure development, equalization of fuel prices. , other supporting commodities, as well as the maximum takeover of PT Freeport Indonesia shares which is fully for the welfare of the Indonesian people, especially in Papua.In addition, the government has committed to overcoming the conflict in Papua through a comprehensive approach. Through various approaches, the government continues to do the best things to develop Papua for the welfare of the community. By combining security and development, the government is trying to create safe and supportive conditions for the Papuan people. Through regional security, law enforcement, infrastructure development and community empowerment, the government seeks to achieve security and sustainable development in Papua. Papuan people’s participation in the decision-making process is also emphasized to ensure that government policies and programs are responsive to local needs. With joint efforts, it is hoped that the OPM conflict can be overcome and the Papua region can achieve sustainable peace and progress.The Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, Bambang Soesatyo, also said the same thing, who said that the OPM’s actions were very dangerous because they often attacked Papuans from civil society, teachers, health workers and even TNI and Polri officers. So all the actions taken by the OPM are very disturbing and have received a lot of criticism from various parties, especially the Papuan people. The Papuan people will never support anything that the OPM does, because their actions will only be detrimental and create chaos in the Land of Papua.Apart from taking firm action, Bambang Soesatyo also supports the government through a non-weapon approach to suppress OPM’s anarchist actions. This approach can be carried out through religious leaders, traditional leaders and local regional heads. With firm enforcement efforts and a humanist approach that goes hand in hand, Bambang Soesatyo hopes that the OPM’s disturbing actions can be quickly suppressed.OPM’s terror, which has crossed the line and has the heart to commit murder, has made the public condemn the separatist group. Many people can’t understand how they can be proud of the results of the atrocities they have committed, then share the videos via social media. The public strongly condemns OPM’s actions because they often shoot and attack Papuan civilians. OPM has lost its sense of humanity and wants to liberate Papua, at the expense of many civilians. Even though these residents were clearly innocent, they were still killed because they did not want to be invited to join the OPM.Until now, the public is very angry with the OPM’s actions because they continue to commit acts of violence, intimidate them, carry out criminal acts of killing, rape and other sadistic acts without humanity towards the Papuan people. This action was clearly condemned throughout the world community. Even though they already love the Republic of Indonesia, especially now that Papua has become more advanced, since it was led by President Joko Widodo. The proof of this progress is the existence of various infrastructure developments which are very beneficial for the welfare of the Papuan people.Meanwhile, on a different occasion, the Papua Police Chief, Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri, said that OPM often uses violent methods in an effort to achieve their goals. Many Papuans reject violence because it causes suffering and insecurity for civilians. Most Papuans want peace and stability in their region. The security disturbances carried out by the OPM will definitely hamper the government’s efforts to develop Papua, because it disrupts people’s daily lives, and even traumatizes the community due to the intimidation and acts of violence carried out, giving rise to regional security instability.The enthusiasm of the Papuan people supports development carried out by the government as a way to improve their welfare and quality of life continues to improve. Infrastructure development such as roads, bridges, ports and airports helps increase accessibility and connectivity between regions, which in turn opens up new economic opportunities, such as trade and tourism.Resist and stop acts of violence caused by OPM, so that the implementation of Papua’s development can be realized immediately, the welfare of the community, education, health and food needs can be met immediately.)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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