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Papuan Youth Leader Ali Kabiay: KST Is Not a Representative of the Papuan Community and Take Action!


Jayapura – Papuan youth leader Ali Kabiay emphasized that his party fully supports the firm action taken by the Security Forces (TNI – Polri) against the Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group (KST).

“I want to say that firm action must be taken to eradicate the Terrorist Separatist Group in Papua or the Free Papua Organization, because they have carried out many acts of terror that have harmed society, burning public facilities such as schools, hospitals, government offices. Then they also persecuted, tortured, killed health workers, killed civilians in a vicious manner, ruthlessly. This is an act of terror that must be taken decisively, said Papuan Youth Leader Ali Kabiay when interviewed in Jayapura Papua Monday, 15/5/2023. According to him, these decisive actions must be carried out using the procedures that apply in handling acts of terror.

“What the TNI and Polri are doing must get the full support of every element of society, because KSTP is very detrimental to the people in Papua, especially in conflict areas. The community wants to progress and prosper but they are always hindered by KSTP. This must be taken decisive action, but also measured action, “said Ali Kabiay. Ali Kabiay further said that KST Papua is not a representation of the Papuan people, they are just a group that always acts on behalf of and makes people restless in the land of Papua.

“I want to convey that the Terrorist Separatist Group or the West Papua National Army Rulers, the Free Papua Organization, do not represent or represent all the people in the land of Papua, the KSTP are only a few groups that carry out criminal acts, criminal acts, terror acts, then they always blowing up on social media through his spokesmen, Mr. Sebby Sambom and factions that carry out diplomacy, concluded the Chairperson of the DPD Pemuda Mandala Trikora Province of Papua.

“They always say that we represent all the Papuan people from Sorong to Samarai. In fact, they do not represent the entire community in Papua, why, because all Papuan people do not recognize their existence. We don’t want to be associated with the acts of terror committed by those KSTP criminal acts. Most Papuans want to progress and prosper. Want to move forward to build their region, build their region to be advanced and prosperous. KSTP is a small group and they are not representative, do not represent the whole community in Papua,” he said.

Then Ali Kabiay admitted that currently the people of Papua have started to become aware of the various news sent on social media about crimes, atrocities of the Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group or the West Papua National Ruler Army, the Free Papua Organization. So it has opened the eyes and minds of the people in Papua.

“I also ask the media, which are indeed nationalist media, to always send news that is in accordance with the facts on the ground, the crimes of KSTP, their crimes were immediately broadcast in the media and sent to blow up so that people in Papua, throughout Indonesia and even the international community, can know about their atrocities and their terrors to society. This is very important to change the mindset of society, especially the people at the lowest level,” he said.

With the current conditions, the Papuan Youth Leader Ali Kabiay wants to invite all elements of society in Papua to unite to eradicate KST Papua from the Cendrawasih Land.

“I invite the people of all elements of society in the land of Papua, to let us jointly provide full support to the TNI Polri apparatus, to fight against, eradicate the Papua Terrorist Separatist Group, the West Papua National Ruling Army, the Free Papua Organization. “Those who have so far worried the community have carried out criminal acts of terror which have harmed society and the public interest,” Ali Kabiay added.

“Come on, all components of society in the land of Papua, let’s help the apparatus and help the government fight groups that have different ideologies, groups that damage the social life of the community in the land of Papua.” Invite the Head of the Sareri 2 Nabire Indigenous Youth.

“Remember that we are a society with dignity, a society of morality, a society that has our own God, let’s unite, let’s together fight every injustice, every crime, every terror committed by groups acting in the name of the Free Papua Organization, who has always terrorized to create chaos. Let’s fight them. The State Government will support every community, every community group, every element of society to fight against groups that are contrary to the principles of the Sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” he stressed.

Editor: Pandu Wibowo

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