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PMI Performs Empowerment of the Papuan Community to Welcome the Inauguration of the PYCH Building


Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) continues to empower the people in Papua in welcoming the resmian PYCH Building which will soon be implemented directly by President Joko Widodo. All of these efforts aim to be able to help improve the welfare of the people on Cenderawasih Earth.

The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building was built by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in a very grand way and also has complete facilities to be able to continue to support the interests, talents and creativity of the young generation in the Land of Papua.

This building will later be used and utilized by Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) in carrying out its work programs for the welfare of the people in Papua and West Papua. PMI will later collaborate, develop themselves and continue to be the motor for the development of young human resources on the Earth of Cendrawasih .

The Head of the Papua Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center, Directorate General of Cipta Karya, Ministry of PUPR, Corneles Sagrim stated that the building was ready to be inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo . Then the construction and inauguration of PYCH itself was aimed at increasing the welfare of the people in the Land of Papua.

For information, PMI itself is an organization fostered by BIN to bring new enthusiasm to young people in the Land of Papua. Through PMI, it is hoped that the young generation of Papua can implement their potential and creative ideas in order to support the realization of people’s welfare on Cendrawasih Earth .

The realization of community welfare in the Land of Papua is in accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua Provinces.

Welcoming the inauguration of the PYCH Building which will soon be carried out by President Jokowi, Inspiring Youth Papua (PMI), which is a youth organization under the guidance of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), continues to actively carry out many assistance and community empowerment activities in Cenderawasih Earth.

One of the people who works as a fisherman in Papua, Franspouw revealed that PMI is a place for young Papuans who are directly sponsored by BIN with the aim of being a driving force for the welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

Meanwhile, PMI Secretary for Papua Province , Vitha Faidiban hopes that this program can run well and smoothly, so that it can be developed to other communities. According to him, there are a lot of natural resources (SDA) in the Land of Papua which have great potential and are very promising, so the program from PMI will also continue to be implemented so that it can really help the people’s economy.

Vitha said that this community empowerment program was in line with President Joko Widodo’s directives and BIN Chief Gen. Pol ( Purn ) Budi Gunawan , which was followed up by Made Kartikajaya .

Ahead of the inauguration of the PYCH Building, the Indonesian Millennial and Student Alliance (AMMI) appreciated President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding his concern for young Papuans. AMMI coordinator Nurkhasanah stated that President Jokowi was very focused on developing the quality of young people’s human resources (HR). Papua is no exception.

According to him, the concern given by President Jokowi was not only in the form of words, but in concrete terms. He then hopes that the PYCH Building can produce many innovative products such as start-ups and is also able to accommodate MSME products from the people of Papua.

Before the inauguration was carried out, PMI also carried out various forms of preparation, as according to PMI’s Project Manager for Creative Industries , Aksamina Woisiri , that they made all preparations ahead of the inauguration.

Several preparations were made by decorating the building with typical Papuan ornaments, carrying out a number of activities prior to the inauguration, and planning to introduce a number of useful applications for the community, especially young people.

Prior to the inauguration of the PYCH building, PMI will hold pre-event activities. The activity involved young people, students and university students, including The Voice Kids which was attended by elementary school students in Papua.

Aksamina stated that all fields at PMI will display a number of creations at the time of the inauguration. PMI also held auditions for dancers, marching bands, paskibra and modelling. A number of auditions have been completed and are in the coaching stage ahead of the inauguration.

He then also expressed his gratitude to President Joko Widodo and the Head of BIN, Gen. Pol ( Ret .) Budi Gunawan for the construction of the PYCH building which he hopes will be used properly to continue to encourage the progress of the Land of Papua.

The construction of the PYCH Building which was declared to have been completed, will then be inaugurated in the near future, in which the building aims to continue to improve the quality of young Papuan human resources. Then welcoming the inauguration, the PMI also continued to empower all people in Papua.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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