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Post-Election Unity and Peace are the Keys to Advancing the Nation Together


By: Andika Pratama )*

Society must be able to establish and maintain unity and peace, especially in the momentum following the implementation of the democratic party and political contestation in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) because this is an important key to advancing this nation together.

It cannot be denied that only with unity and peace in society, all parties can come together and synergize and work together to create or do something for the good of the nation for a more developed country.

Efforts to advance the nation will only be achieved optimally if this can be done by all parties in Indonesia together, where the key lies in unity and peace first after the election.

It is time for all elements of the nation to be able to forget about differences of opinion or even friction that may have recently occurred simply because of political contestation.

The reason is, if all elements are not united, then of course the development of this nation and efforts to advance the country will clearly be more difficult than if it were attempted together.

Moreover, advancing the nation is an obligation that must be carried out by all Indonesian people without exception, so that this vision should be able to be implemented not only by a few parties, but by all parties.

In essence, the General Election itself is not an event to further divide the nation’s children, but is a political contest created to find a national leader who will continue the leadership baton of the nation’s previous founders in advancing the country.

When the public finds out what the meaning behind the democratic party is, then of course it will no longer be relevant if the sentiment continues. Apart from that, the official vote counting results have also been announced by the General Election Commission (KPU) and the state has facilitated legal action through election dispute trials at the Constitutional Court (MK), so that there is no longer any need to continue dwelling on something that actually damages unity and national peace.

The Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo), Budi Arie Setiadi stated that with the spirit of togetherness being maintained among all elements of the Indonesian nation, even though there will be political contestation in the 2024 Election, this will actually be an opportunity to work together to create a better Indonesia. moving forward to welcome a Golden Indonesia in 2045.

The existence of national unity and peace is clearly something that is directly in line with progress. In other words, it will be much easier for this country to become a progressive country if its people are willing to unite.

In responding to the announcement of the final results of the 2024 election dispute trial at the Constitutional Court, the public should be able to go through it with a full spirit of national unity and togetherness.

Especially for the nation’s young generation, so that they are able to continue to improve their digital literacy so that they don’t easily fall into believing in the spread of fake news or hoaxes and even participate in spreading it on social media or the digital world.

When these young people can play an active role in fighting the spread of hoaxes on social media, then in fact they are also playing a role in encouraging the big dream of the Indonesian nation, namely to become a developed country to welcome 100 years of independence in 2045.

Meanwhile, Professor of Constitutional Law at Pakuan University and Chair of the Constitutional Lawyers Forum, Prof. Andi Asrun appealed not only to the public, but also to parties contesting in the 2024 elections, such as presidential candidates (capres) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) along with their success teams (timses) or all their supporters, to remain calm with whatever the final result of the trial is. Election disputes at the Constitutional Court.

There is no longer any need to spread hate speech to each other or whatever things and attitudes will actually further damage the unity and peace of the nation after the election, because in reality whoever wins in the democratic party is of course only for the sake of advancing this nation.

In fact, all elements of the nation clearly dream and really want Indonesia to be more advanced, more prosperous, more dignified, great and strong and respected throughout Asia and internationally.

The people really need a visionary leader to make the agenda a success in welcoming a Golden Indonesia in 2045. In line with this, because this country also upholds the principles of democracy, whoever is chosen by the people through the elections is clearly the best son of the nation who only has the determination to further advance the country.

Unity and unity as well as peace between all parties in Indonesia after the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) are clearly important keys to further advancing this nation together in facing various kinds of challenges in the future.

)* Contributor to the One Friend and a Million Friends Foundation

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