Prabowo-Gibran Government Wage War on Drugs

By Arumi Yuliandri )*
The government of Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka has ignited a new spirit in combating drug trafficking and abuse in Indonesia. This policy is not just legal action, but a comprehensive step integrated with the government’s grand mission known as Astacita. This program includes political and legal reforms as well as efforts to prevent corruption and eradicate drugs aimed at building a safe, prosperous, and empowered society. President Prabowo sees drug eradication as not only the responsibility of law enforcement officers, but also a national commitment to save the younger generation from the destruction caused by narcotics.
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo is at the forefront of implementing this mission. Under the president’s instructions, he has mobilized all ranks of the National Police from the central to regional levels to combat drug trafficking. General Listyo asked the police to map out smuggling routes, including drug smuggling efforts controlled from within correctional institutions. With firm commands, strategic steps have been drawn up to take firm action against all modes of operation used by drug networks.
However, the fight against drugs does not only depend on law enforcement officers. The Coordinator of the Expert Group of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Ahwil Luthan, stated that the war against drugs is an asymmetric war that requires a comprehensive and sustainable strategy. This invisible enemy threatens society suddenly and can destroy the nation if not faced seriously. Therefore, prevention education is a priority, with families positioned as the first line of defense in rejecting the influence of drugs. Ahwil emphasized that the role of families must be strengthened, and anti-drug education should start early, even from elementary school level. Ministers of education are also empowered to introduce anti-drug curriculum, so that these values are internalized early on among students.
The government is also increasing surveillance in border areas that have often been the main routes for drugs to enter Indonesia. Collaboration with neighboring countries is key to breaking the supply chain, most of which originates from the Golden Triangle. This international cooperation is expected to narrow the scope for drug criminals who have cross-country networks.
In addition to the aspects of enforcement and prevention, the government also prioritizes rehabilitation programs for users who are already trapped in drug addiction. This step is in line with the humanist approach that does not only focus on punishment, but also on victim recovery. BNN is committed to providing targeted care for those who want to escape the trap of drugs. This rehabilitation program is an effort by the state to restore the mental and physical condition of users so that they can return to functioning as productive members of society.
In addition, the National Anti-Drug Movement (GANNAS) voiced the importance of extending Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 2 of 2020 which is the basis for the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors for 2020-2024. GANNAS hopes that the Prabowo-Gibran government will continue this commitment as part of a strategic policy in combating drugs. The General Chairperson of GANNAS, I Nyoman Adi Peri, emphasized that the Inpres has succeeded in synergizing various state institutions, such as the BNN, TNI, Polri, and other agencies in moving collectively. The continuation of this Inpres is considered very important so that all stakeholders remain committed to eradicating drugs with the same intensity.
Collaboration between state institutions, law enforcement officers, and civil society is the main key in facing the increasingly complex challenges of drug trafficking. The government realizes that the war on drugs is not an easy task, but it is also not a war that cannot be won. In its implementation, the Prabowo-Gibran government has formulated cross-sectoral policies that involve the active role of related ministries, such as the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Affairs, to initiate a systematic and sustainable prevention approach.
The government understands that fighting drugs is not just about closing smuggling routes and arresting perpetrators, but also changing the mindset and culture of society to stay away from drugs. Through awareness campaigns involving various elements of society, the government hopes to reduce the number of new drug users among the younger generation. Strengthening collective awareness is a very vital step in long-term efforts, so that drugs are no longer considered something that is easy to access or try.
Through strict law enforcement, strict border controls, comprehensive prevention education, and recovery-based rehabilitation programs, the Prabowo-Gibran government is building a solid foundation in combating drugs. All elements of the nation are invited to work together to protect future generations from the threat of drugs that can destroy the future of the nation.
The government’s enthusiasm to make Indonesia a drug-free country is not just a discourse, but a real commitment that is fought for with a comprehensive strategy. The war on drugs under the Prabowo-Gibran government shows that Indonesia is ready to overcome the threat of drugs with a more structured and effective approach. Through these solid steps, it is hoped that the Indonesian nation can be free from the clutches of drugs, in order to realize a safe, healthy, and prosperous society.
)* The author is an anti-drug activist