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Prabowo Government’s Great Determination to Fight Online Gambling Deserves Appreciation


Jakarta – The government’s efforts should be appreciated for daring to reveal online gambling practices within the Ministry. The government’s great determination to combat online gambling is a strategic step expected by the entire community. This was said by Cyber ​​Law Expert from the University of Indonesia, Intan Pratama some time ago.

The war on gambling is one of President Prabowo Subianto’s special emphases. On various occasions, the President continues to emphasize the importance of fighting online gambling which has had a serious impact on people’s lives so far.
“The government’s steps to expose online gambling practices within the government should be appreciated. This momentum is an entry point to thoroughly investigate online gambling practices in ministries and institutions,” he said.

Furthermore, it was conveyed that this is a form and determination of the government that gives great hope to the people so that they do not want to lose the momentum to continue making improvements at the beginning of their administration.

“This transparency is important so that the public understands the government’s commitment to take firm action against violations of the law,” he said.
The hope is that the government does not stop at that moment but can continue to move on to things that because the domino effect of gambling is very sadistic. Strengthening regulations and law enforcement as well as involving elements of society are things that should be done.

“The government needs to continue to strengthen legal sanctions so that they can be a clear warning to all state apparatus, so that a clean government is created that is free from illegal activities,” he said
. The arrest of a number of employees shows the government’s seriousness in cleaning up institutions from practices that are not in accordance with the rules. This is a positive step that needs to be supported by all parties.

Meanwhile, BaraJP General Chairperson Utje Gustaaf Patty said that all parties must follow the president’s direction in eradicating online gambling. This is intended so that eradication efforts can run effectively, not spreading to other issues.
Eradication of online gambling must be seen in the context of gambling as a whole. The case at the Coordinating Ministry for Digital Affairs is not the only one that is the entry point. Eradication of gambling must involve banking because the main tools for online gambling are two, namely the internet network and bank accounts.

To the authorities in handling online gambling must follow the direction of President Prabowo Subianto regarding efforts to eradicate online gambling. All parties to prioritize the interests of the people rather than group interests in efforts to eradicate online gambling practices.***

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