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Realizing a Fair 2024 Regional Election for Positive Change


By: Khairunissa Dewi )*

Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) are one of the important moments in the democratic process in Indonesia. Through Pilkada, the community has the right and obligation to elect leaders who can bring change for the progress of the region. However, the success of Pilkada does not only lie in the quality of the regional head candidates, but also in the active role of all elements of society in ensuring that the election process is fair, transparent, and free from practices that damage democracy such as money politics, hoaxes, and identity politics based on Tribe, Religion, Race, and Inter-Group (SARA).

The voice of the people plays an important role in determining the future of a region. The people have the opportunity to choose leaders who can fight for the interests of the people and bring positive changes for welfare. In order for the choices made to have a real impact, the people need to ensure that the decisions made are based on a clear work program, development vision, and a good track record of the candidate, not empty promises or the influence of money politics. Smart voters will judge regional head candidates based on their ability to lead and realize pro-people programs.

In order to maintain neutrality and fairness during the campaign period, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 6 of 2024. This circular aims to ensure that broadcasting institutions such as television and radio carry out their functions in a balanced, neutral manner and in accordance with applicable regulations during the Pilkada campaign period.

The Head of the Central KPI, Ubaidillah, emphasized the importance of broadcasting institutions providing equal access to all candidate pairs so that there is no injustice in the campaign process. With these clear rules, campaign broadcasts are expected to take place in accordance with the principles of fair democracy.

In addition, synergy between the KPI and the Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) is also very important in maintaining supervision of campaign broadcasts at the regional level. KPI Central Member, Aliyah, expressed her hope that the 2024 Pilkada, which will be held in 37 provinces, 415 regencies, and 93 cities, will run smoothly and peacefully. One important aspect highlighted by Aliyah is the balance of information conveyed to the public. Information presented to the public must be objective, accurate, and based on facts, so that the public has a clear understanding of the vision, mission, and work programs of the regional head candidates.

In addition to the KPI, the role of the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) is also very important in overseeing the implementation of the Pilkada. Bawaslu has the task of ensuring that the entire election process runs according to applicable regulations, as well as overseeing the campaign to avoid violations that could damage the integrity of the Pilkada. Bawaslu member, Puadi, emphasized the importance of close cooperation between various stakeholders, including regional head candidates, political parties, security forces, and the community. All parties must have a commitment to creating a peaceful, honest, and fair Pilkada.

According to Puadi, a joint commitment from all elements is needed to maintain the integrity of the Pilkada. Election supervisors have an important role in overseeing the election process, ensuring that the atmosphere remains conducive, and taking firm action against all forms of fraud such as money politics and the spread of hoaxes that often harm democracy. Bawaslu also emphasized that elections with integrity must take place in a peaceful atmosphere, without any conflict or excessive tension.

One of the biggest challenges in realizing a clean and integrity-based regional election is the rampant practice of money politics and the spread of hoaxes. Money politics damages the essence of democracy because it diverts voters’ attention from the work programs offered by prospective leaders to material rewards. The public must realize that accepting money politics will only harm themselves in the future, because leaders who are elected through fraudulent means tend not to have a strong commitment to the interests of the people.

On the other hand, hoaxes and black campaigns are often used by certain parties to bring down political opponents in unhealthy ways. Hoaxes spread through social media can influence public opinion and divide society based on false issues. Therefore, the public must be careful and wise in receiving information, and always verify the truth of the news received so as not to get caught up in harmful propaganda.

Fair, honest, and clean regional elections can only be realized if all elements of society and stakeholders work together well. Synergy between supervisory institutions such as KPI and Bawaslu, as well as the community’s commitment to vote intelligently and responsibly, are the keys to maintaining the integrity of the 2024 regional elections. By rejecting all forms of money politics and hoaxes, and choosing based on clear work programs and track records, it is hoped that the 2024 regional elections can produce regional leaders who are qualified, have integrity, and are able to bring positive change to society.

A fair regional election is a reflection of a healthy democracy. The public must always remember that the votes they cast are very meaningful in determining the future direction of the region and the nation. By maintaining the integrity of the election, together we can realize a clean and integrity-based regional election, for a better future for Indonesia.

)* Contributor to the Reading Window Institute

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