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Realizing DOB, West Papua Immediately Hands Over Assets to Southwest Papua


The realization of the existence of a New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua continues. The West Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov) will immediately hand over a number of their assets to the Southwest Papua Provincial Government as the result of the division. All of this is in order to continue to improve the quality of public services and also help improve community welfare.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) together with the House of Representatives (DPR RI) in Commission II formed a Working Committee (Panja) which indeed has the task of completing all proposals related to regional expansion through the existence of a New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua Province which continues to be finalized the realization.

Not only that, because soon there will be a regional government center (Pemda) also in Southwest Papua Province as one of the results of the expansion of the region, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri) John Wempi Wetipo also continues to push for the region to be able to accelerate development.

In addition, the Acting (Pj) local Governors were also asked to be able to synergize and join hands together with the Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) so that all these development plans could run far more optimally.

Also included, he also asked that the provinces resulting from the division of the Papua New Guinea Region continue to accelerate the realization of their spending through the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), which means that the Government of Indonesia really hopes that the budget allocation that has been provided can be utilized to the fullest extent possible so that it can be implemented optimally. together, therefore it is also important to have support from all parties in optimizing the APBD.

In particular, the Wamendagri asked the OPD ranks in the Papua New Guinea to be able to work together in accelerating the realization of spending. Of course, with good synergy in accelerating the realization of spending, it is very necessary so that development can accelerate, especially infrastructure.

So far the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and also the Commission II of the DPR RI itself have been very optimal in carrying out regional expansion through the New Autonomous Region, which aims to realize all development in Cenderawasih Earth. This is because development in the Land of Papua itself does have a number of challenges that are not easy. So that all parties really have to help each other and also take an active role in the accelerated development process.

It cannot be denied that managing the Land of Papua is completely different and not like confining the island of Java. This is because confining the easternmost province in the country requires sacrificing many things, such as time, thoughts and energy.

However, with the experience and travel process that the government has, starting from equitable development in all corners of Indonesia from Merauke to Sorong, so far there has been a lot of valuable experience so that we can realize development that is in line with people’s aspirations.

It is known that the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Papua in the near future and will soon hand over a number of their assets to be handed over to the Southwest Papua region to the Regional Government (Pemda) of the newest new autonomous region that has been formed.

Acting Head of the West Papua Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (Plt BPKAD), Agus Nurodi said that all of his staff had submitted the official report on the reconciliation of West Papua Provincial Government assets to the Southwest Papua Provincial Government. No half-hearted, the total value of assets that will later be handed over is 1.7 trillion Rupiah.

For your information, holding a reconciliation meeting is the main requirement for handing over assets. On the agenda of the meeting itself, the West Papua Provincial Government has also agreed on which assets will later be handed over and become the property of the Southwest Papua Provincial Government as the New Autonomous Region (DOB) which is being developed by the government as a regional expansion in Bumi Cenderawasih.

Some of the assets that have been agreed upon between the two parties are land, machine equipment, multi-purpose buildings and other assets as well as 7 (seven) West Papua Provincial Government services. The reconciliation implementation itself will also continue because there are still a number of other fixed assets that have not been included in the data.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPKAD for Southwest Papua, Harjito, admitted that a number of assets that had been agreed upon in the first stage of reconciliation and had been included in the financial balance were indeed worth 1.7 trillion Rupiah.

The handover of a number of assets from the West Papua Provincial Government to the Southwest Papua Provincial Government as a new autonomous region which has recently been ratified by the Government and DPR RI is one of the concrete efforts and results of real work to continue to realize the existence of a New Autonomous Region in order to further improve public services to community welfare.

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