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Religious and Community Leaders Play a Role in Realizing Peaceful Regional Elections


 By : Eva Kalyna Audrey )*

Realizing peaceful regional elections is not an easy task, but with the active role of religious and community leaders, this dream is not just wishful thinking. They are moral guardians and peace keepers who are able to reduce turmoil, calm the atmosphere, and foster a sense of togetherness amidst differences in choices. The South Kalimantan Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has invited religious and community leaders to actively participate in creating safe and peaceful regional elections. This invitation was conveyed directly by the Chair of the South Kalimantan Bawaslu, Aries Mardiono, in a dialogue on Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) which took place in the South Kalimantan Bawaslu office hall, Banjarmasin.

At the event, there were also the Chair of the South Kalimantan Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), Ilham Masykuri Hamdie, and the Chair of the South Kalimantan Inter-Ethnic Family Association (Ikasba), Aliansyah Mahadi. They emphasized the importance of active involvement from stakeholders such as the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), FKUB, and Ikasba to maintain harmonization between religions, ethnicities, and tribes during the Pilkada. This is expected to reduce potential vulnerabilities that may arise.

Aries Mardiono expressed his hope that the regional elections in this area could run smoothly and be as conducive as the previous elections. In facing potential vulnerabilities such as friction between groups, tribes or religions, the involvement of the MUI, FKUB and Ikasba is very important to oversee this simultaneous election. Ilham Masykuri Hamdie, Chair of the South Kalimantan FKUB, emphasized his party’s commitment to playing an active role in overseeing the regional election process in South Kalimantan. FKUB plays a role in educating people about the importance of leadership in elections, encouraging them not to abstain, disseminating positive information about Pilkada, inviting the public not to be provoked, and reporting to Bawaslu if they find indications of Pilkada violations.

Aliansyah Mahadi, Chair of the South Kalimantan Ikasba, also emphasized that his party would actively participate in making the 2024 regional elections in South Kalimantan a success. Ikasba members are encouraged to maintain harmony between ethnicities and ethnic groups in order to realize a safe and peaceful South Kalimantan regional election.
Head of the National Unity and Politics Agency (Kesbangpol) for Central Kalimantan, Katma F Dirun, emphasized the importance of the role of religious and community leaders in maintaining regional conduciveness. In the simultaneous regional election democracy celebrations which will be held on November 27 2024, the presence of moderate religious and community figures is very important to ensure peaceful regional elections.

Katma reminded that Peaceful Pilkada is not just a slogan, but is a real effort to create a conducive atmosphere during the series of Pilkada stages. The role of FKUB is also very important, even though FKUB cannot work alone. The existence and work of FKUB needs to be supported and synergized together with the regional government, stakeholders and all elements of society in Central Kalimantan Province.

The East Kalimantan Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) encourages community leaders to educate voters ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. The potential for high vulnerabilities such as abstainers or white groups which are feared to be increasing need to be addressed with appropriate education.
The Chair of the East Kalimantan FKUB, KH Muhammad Rasyid, said that every Elections are always accompanied by various conflicts and feuds. Therefore, FKUB East Kalimantan invites community leaders and religious leaders to convey messages to the public so that they understand that differences in democracy are normal. After the regional elections, society must return to maintaining harmony in life.

In an effort to create a peaceful Cilegon City in the 2024 simultaneous elections, the Cilegon City National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol) gathered interfaith figures throughout Cilegon City. Acting Head of the Cilegon Kesbangpol Agency, Sri Widayati, emphasized that religious figures are the glue of the people who can maintain harmony between religious communities, especially ahead of the 2024 Election where insecurity between communities due to differences in political choices is very likely to occur.

Sri Widayati hopes that interfaith leaders can ward off hoax news or news that focuses on SARA (Ethnicity, Religion, Race and Intergroup) issues. There are four criteria for religious moderation that need to be maintained, namely national commitment, tolerance, non-violence, and acceptance of differences. Religious leaders are asked to maintain conduciveness in the community so as not to get caught up in divisions due to practical politics.

Chair of the Banten Province Religious Community Forum (FKUB), AM Romly, hopes that the people in Banten Province, especially in Cilegon City, will not vilify or demean each other. People are encouraged to vote according to their political beliefs, but still maintain unity and not cause conflict that could cause division.
In facing the 2024 regional elections, the role of religious and community leaders is very important. Their active involvement in educating and maintaining harmony can be a determinant of creating peaceful and safe regional elections.

Let’s together make the 2024 Pilkada a reality that is conducive, full of peace, and brings progress to the nation. Don’t let differences divide you, but use differences as strength to build a better future.

)* The author is a contributor to the Lintas Nusamedia Institute

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