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Responding to Rocky Gerung, Emrus Sihombing: Not Civilized and Doesn’t Reflect on Academics


Jakarta — The statement by a controversial figure, Rocky Gerung, who insulted President Jokowi recently continues to receive criticism from many parties.

Indonesian Communicologist, Dr. Emrus Sihombing stated emphatically that the diction or statement put forward by Rocky Gerung was indeed a communication message that was far from civilized and far from common sense.

How could it not be, because the article on the use of ‘Bajingan-Stupid’ which was raised by political observers was considered to have very much lead to insulting the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and completely ignoring the axiology of communication.

“Therefore, it is no exaggeration that the diction is more interpreted as a communication message which is very far from the civilization of communication and common sense,” said a political communication expert at a television station.

Therefore, he hopes that all communication messages issued to the public space can be rational and have benefits, including maintaining civility.

“And no less important is maintaining the civility of communication,” said Emrus.

Furthermore, the Communication Expert also considered that the statement put forward by the former UI lecturer was based on a very subjective and one-sided assessment.

Emrus also considered that Rocky intentionally closed his eyes and when he spoke in public spaces often used horse glasses in seeing President Jokowi’s government policies and programs.

In fact, according to Indonesian communicaologists, this quirky figure who is known as an academic is now more suitable to be called a politician.

“He (Rocky) seems to have shed his academic attire, or has he migrated from an academic to a politician?” Emrus said.

On the other hand, the PDI Perjuangan party has also condemned Rocky Gerung’s statement because it was considered inappropriate and indicated an attack on the dignity and honor of the Head of State.

PDI Perjuangan Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto considered that this expression was at the peak of moral decay, had degraded reason and demonstrated the infertility of common sense.

“We consider the statement that the President is a ‘stupid son of a bitch’ is the peak of moral decay, degradation of reason and the infertility of common sense,” he said.

According to Hasto, Rocky even consciously tried to incite the public with those very insulting, tendentious and utterly uncivilized words.

Criticism of Rocky also came from the National Dayak Customary Council (MADN) and Indonesian Dayak Customary Councils (DAD), who considered that the statement used had sparked public unrest.

“We at MADN regret that Rocky Gerung’s statement allegedly insulted President Joko Widodo and is also provocative and has the potential to cause uproar and division in society,” said MADN Secretary General Yakobus Kumis.

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