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Security Forces Commit to Increasing Law Enforcement for OPM


By : Lucas Murib Dela )*

Indonesian people, especially in the Papua region, need to continue to increase awareness of the threats posed by the Free Papua Organization (OPM). Meanwhile, security forces demonstrated their commitment to continuing to maintain order and security through strict law enforcement against the OPM. The steps taken are not only to protect citizens, but also to ensure that Papua remains an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Papua is a very rich region, both in terms of culture and natural resources. However, the prolonged conflict has attracted a lot of attention and has the potential to cause major losses. These conflicts, which are often triggered by OPM actions, threaten economic stability and security. The negative impacts are very pronounced, ranging from disruption of economic growth to hampered people’s welfare.

One of the main problems that continues to bother Papua is the existence of the OPM, an armed group that often commits acts of violence. They launched terror that not only threatened the government and security forces, but also innocent civilians. The violence committed by OPM created great fear and instability in society. For this reason, security forces from the TNI and Polri continue to move to enforce the law and ensure security in the area.

In an effort to handle the conflict in Papua, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense, TNI Vice Marshal Donny Ernawan Taufanto, stated that there were two approaches taken by the government. The first approach is to improve community welfare through various development programs, and the second is a security approach. The integration of these two approaches has been going on since the era of President Soekarno and continues until the current leadership of President Joko Widodo.

Development in Papua has shown positive results, with increased road access and infrastructure which has encouraged economic growth. However, even though development is going well, there are still certain groups who are dissatisfied and continue to provoke them through acts of terror. This situation requires the security forces to focus on carrying out their duties in providing protection and maintaining stability.

The direction from the central government is very clear, with President Joko Widodo emphasizing the importance of the involvement of security forces in overseeing development in Papua. National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that the Head of State wants good integration between central and regional programs, so that policies to improve the welfare of the Papuan people can run smoothly.

One concrete proof of the government’s attention to Papua is the expansion of the region with the formation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB). This step is expected to increase equitable development and prosperity throughout the Papua region. Security forces play an important role in ensuring security during this process.

Apart from the government and security forces, traditional leaders in Papua also play a vital role in maintaining security and order. Their support for security forces in efforts to eradicate OPM is highly appreciated.

Traditional figures such as Markus Haluk in the mountainous region of Papua are actively gathering support from various tribes to jointly eradicate OPM. The steps they took, such as socializing anti-radicalism and establishing security posts, really helped reduce OPM activities.

Meanwhile, another traditional figure, Yanto Eluay from Kampung Sereh, reminded the public to be careful in receiving provocative information. He emphasized the importance of instilling correct history in the younger generation and invited them not to be incited by OPM doctrine. Hengky Heselo, a traditional leader from Jayawijaya, also appealed to the public not to respond to provocative invitations from separatist groups that could disrupt security.

Papuan traditional leaders’ support for government programs to improve community welfare is very important. They participate in infrastructure development programs, increasing access to education and health, and empowering the local economy. This support aims to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of the Papuan people, so that they are not influenced by OPM’s invitation.

Lapago traditional leader, Yuranus Jikwa, expressed his support for the TNI-Polri in dealing with the increasingly disturbing OPM. He also emphasized that the terrorist group must stop shooting at civilians and not make misleading statements in the media. Meanwhile, Boas Asa Enoch, an Ondofolo Sosiri traditional figure from Jayapura Regency, really welcomed the 2024 National Police NCO recruitment program which provides an opportunity for Papuan sons and daughters to join in efforts to maintain security stability.

Overall, collaboration between the government, security forces and Papuan traditional leaders is very important to create peace and stability in this region. Respecting human rights, strengthening inter-ethnic dialogue, and promoting inclusive economic development are steps that must not be ignored in the effort to achieve sustainable peace.

The support given by Papuan traditional leaders to the security forces in dealing with OPM shows a shared commitment to creating a better future for Papua. By uniting, it is hoped that all parties can overcome existing challenges and create a safe, peaceful and prosperous Papua. In this way, Papua can continue to develop and make a positive contribution to the Republic of Indonesia, while also proving that the land of Papua is an integral and inseparable part of Indonesia.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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