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Security Forces Establish Synergy to Ensure Security of Papua Regional Elections


PAPUA – Ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, the government ensures security in the implementation of the regional democratic party in Papua. This step is carried out through the synergy of various security elements to create a conducive situation, including Operation Mantap Praja Cartenz II-2024 involving the police and special task forces.

Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police LO, AKBP Acmad Fauzan revealed that his party had deployed personnel through the Preventive Task Force of Operation Mantap Praja, this aims to maintain security and order during the entire series of Pilkada, starting from registration to the current campaign period.

“With the formation of the Demonstration Security (Pam Unras) personnel of the 2024 Mantap Praja Cartenz II Preventive Operation Task Force, the situation so far has been safe, conducive, and under control,” said Fauzan.

Fauzan emphasized the importance of the contribution of all parties in Central Papua to jointly maintain the stable conditions that have been created. The Preventive Task Force also routinely conducts physical training for personnel so that they are always ready to face various challenges that may arise in the Pilkada stages.

“This physical training activity is part of the Preventive Task Force’s efforts to maintain personnel readiness in facing various challenges that may arise during the implementation of the Pilkada in the Central Papua region,” explained Fauzan.

Similar support came from TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto, that security standards in each region are adjusted to the specific classification of each region. According to him, Papua has unique characteristics that require a different security approach compared to other regions in Indonesia.

“Yes, indeed each region has its own security classification. Papua may be different from Aceh or Java. So, the security standards are different,” said Commander Agus.

Commander Agus also said that coordination between the TNI and the police and Forkopimda continues to be improved, with security situation updates being carried out routinely.

Meanwhile, the Papua Police are intensively conducting raids in their area to create a conducive situation. According to the Controlling Officer, Iptu Gema Brajaksono, these raids target vehicles suspected of being involved in crimes such as motorcycle theft, robbery, theft, as well as drug and sharp weapon abuse.

“If any are found according to the target, they will be immediately secured and will be handled by the appointed personnel. The inspection is also carried out with good ethics, prioritizing safety, and avoiding arrogance,” Gema emphasized.

With collaboration and strict supervision from security forces, the government hopes that the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections in Papua can run safely, orderly, and successfully, in order to achieve peaceful democracy in Bumi Cenderawasih.

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