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Security Officials Ensure Safe Distribution of Election Logistics


The security forces have once again demonstrated their extraordinary commitment in carrying out a very important task, namely ensuring the safety and smooth distribution and storage of logistics for the 2024 Election. By securing this logistics distribution, it is hoped that the Election can run safely and smoothly.

Security forces continue to take various steps to support the success of the elections, including in various regions in Indonesia. One of these examples is the security of ballot boxes located in the General Election Commission (KPU) warehouse in Tanjungbalai City, North Sumatra Province. In this case, the Tanjungbalai Police are determined to carry out security duties which are very vital in this process.

The distribution of voting boxes took place at the KPU Logistics Warehouse, which is located in the ATC (Asia Treatment Center) Building Hall, Jl. Gen. Sudirman, Sijambi Village, Datuk Bandar District, Tanjungbalai City, North Sumatra Province. This crucial moment is also in the spotlight of various parties who are monitoring the progress of this process very closely.

Present in securing and distributing election logistics were a number of key sources. They include, among others, the Tanjungbalai City Bawaslu Commissioner, the Supervisory Division Head, Nazmi Hidayat, SH, the Head of the Intelligence and Security Unit of the Tanjungbalai Police, AKP Sutarjo BI Manullang, the Head of the Tanjungbalai City KPU Subdivision, Sri Wahyuni, Padal Pam Warehouse Logistics, AKP L. Hutapea, Tanjungbalai City KPU Staff, Tanjungbalai City Bawaslu staff, and members of Unit I of the Tanjungbalai Police Intelligence and Security Unit.

In an effort to maintain the safety and smoothness of the general election logistics distribution process at the Tanjungbalai City KPU Warehouse, AKP Sutarjo BI Manullang, Head of Intelligence and Security representing the Tanjungbalai Police Chief, AKBP. Ahmad Yusuf Afandi SIK.MM, emphasized the high determination of the security forces. They have implemented a comprehensive set of security measures.

The logistics distribution for the 2024 Election, which involves 2737 main ballot boxes and 15 reserve ballot boxes from the Central KPU, is guaranteed to be stored carefully and safely in the Tanjungbalai City KPU Logistics Warehouse, namely in the ATC Building Hall. The security measures implemented cover various aspects to maintain the safety of these logistics and ensure that all stages of the election run smoothly.

In the context of general elections, logistics distribution is a very vital initial stage to ensure the successful implementation of the democratic process. Ballot boxes, as the main instrument in the election process, must be placed and guarded carefully so that citizens’ voting rights remain protected.

The role of the police and other related parties is an important factor in maintaining security and order during the distribution and voting process.

Apart from Tanjungbalai City, the West Pesisir Police, Lampung Regional Police, also have the same strong commitment to ensuring the security of logistics for the 2024 Election in their area. Head of West Pesisir Police Public Relations, Ipda Kasiyono, explained that they had carried out logistical security activities, especially ballot boxes, as part of the KPU’s preparations ahead of the general election.

This logistics is stored at the KPU Pekon Kampung Jawa Logistics Warehouse, Pesisir Tengah District, Pesisir Tengah District, Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung Province. Kasiyono emphasized that the escort and security aims to ensure security and order during the 2024 election process.

It is important to note that the ballot boxes have been placed under very tight security by the police. This reflects the West Coast Police’s commitment to ensuring that the democratic process runs well and safely. Intensive security efforts were carried out to ensure the smooth running of the democratic process in the West Coast region.

Apart from that, the election logistics storage building is currently also very tightly guarded to prevent unwanted incidents. Patrols continue to be carried out to ensure the safety of election logistics goods which are starting to arrive.

The importance of the community’s role in supporting the implementation of general elections is emphasized, and all citizens are expected to participate in creating a safe and conducive environment during the campaign period until voting day.

As the logistics distribution process for the 2024 General Election runs smoothly, we can see that the role of security forces is very important in ensuring the success of this initial stage. With high determination and commitment, they have carried out their security duties using various careful and layered steps.

This provides a sense of security and confidence to the public that their voting rights will be well protected.

The process of distributing election logistics also requires full support from all elements of society. We as citizens have a responsibility to participate in maintaining the integrity and security of our democratic process.

By providing information if we see anything suspicious and creating a safe and conducive environment during the campaign period until voting day, we can help ensure the success of fair and democratic elections.

With the cooperation of all parties, it is hoped that the 2024 general election process can run smoothly and safely. Citizens’ voices will be the main pillar in shaping a better future for our country. With collective determination, we can ensure that our democracy remains strong and runs well.

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