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Serious Human Rights Violations, Security Forces Must Eradicate KST Papua


The Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) describes itself as a hero for Papuan independence. By continuing to raise human rights issues to be separated from the Republic of Indonesia, KST Papua continues to terrorize and even kill innocent civilians.

Currently, authorities are undertaking an evaluation of the security approach and taking firm action against the presence of KST Papua to anticipate the cycle of violence occurring again and increasing casualties. However, on the other hand, mapping of the group’s strengths needs to be done. Apart from going through armed warfare, they also play narratives through social media and online media to influence the public. Until now, the issue of human rights violations and enforcement is still used by this group to influence the international community to open up opportunities to escape from Indonesia. In fact, all this time, they are the ones who have committed cruel human rights violations.

Member of Commission I DPR RI, Dave Akbarshah Fikarno Laksono believes that the combat strategy and also the approach that has been carried out by the security forces in Papua really needs to be improved. This is due to further accelerate efforts to restore conducive situations and conditions and peace on the Earth of Cenderawasih.

He immediately emphasized that the security forces from joint personnel consisting of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) could as soon as possible take very firm and harsh action against the country’s rebels.

Of course, it is not without reason why firm and harsh action must be taken immediately in handling cases and dealing with Papuan separatist gangs. The reason is, for example, if action is not taken as soon as possible harshly and decisively, the potential or risk will become even greater, that is, the number of victims will continue to increase.

If it is not immediately eradicated, the longer the gang of treachery takes, the more it will reduce the sovereign authority of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) itself. So it is very appropriate that KST Papua can be completely eradicated by the security forces from the TNI and Polri so that there is no longer a threat of disruption to the country’s security and stability which has continued to occur in the easternmost province in the country, which is becoming increasingly worrying every day.

General Chairperson of Saireri Youth/Papua Youth Leader, Gifli Buiney, said that KST Papua continues to spread threats and results in casualties. Apart from that, a series of terror acts also hampered development in the Papua region.

Violence committed by Armed Criminal Groups is a disgraceful act, an act that must be condemned by every citizen. The series of violent acts carried out by KST Papua so far has indirectly added to the list of serious human rights violations in Papua. So this is very contrary to Indonesia which highly upholds human rights. His party asked the security forces to take firm action against KST Papua which was increasingly disturbing.

It is hoped that the security forces’ firm action and strong strategy will have a deterrent effect on KST which is seriously hampering prosperity in the Papua region. The community is expected to remain calm and continue to build, because the government is only cracking down on armed KST, while civilians are definitely protected.

KST Papua must take firm action because it always commits violence and even murder which clearly violates human rights. The people of the country need to fully support the efforts made by the security forces and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in taking very firm action in accordance with the applicable legal provisions of the Papuan KST and there is no tolerance whatsoever for groups who want to disrupt the Republic of Indonesia.

In fact, the group of terrorists from KST Papua were completely helpless, because they could only carry out very cunning actions when they were cornered in a shootout against the security forces of the Republic of Indonesia. They were very brave and even used innocent civilians as human shields.

It is hoped that the security forces’ firm action and strong strategy will have a deterrent effect on KST which is seriously hampering prosperity in the Papua region. The community is expected to remain calm and continue to build, because the government is only cracking down on armed KST, while civilians are definitely protected.

KST Papua must be eradicated because it always carries out violence and even murder which clearly violates human rights. The people of the country need to fully support the efforts made by the security forces and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in taking very firm action in accordance with the applicable legal provisions of the Papuan KST and there is no tolerance whatsoever for groups who want to disrupt the Republic of Indonesia. Papua is an integral territory of the NRKI, so it is certain that the series of KST acts of terror and violence do not reflect the voice of the Papuan people.

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