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Shooting of New Zealand Pilot by OPM, Barriers to Equal Access to Health in Papua


The Free Papua Organization (OPM) has again carried out its cruel and barbaric action by shooting a New Zealand helicopter pilot, which is now causing further obstacles to equitable access to public health in Papua.

Of course, the victims of this incident were not only the New Zealand pilot and his bereaved family as well as the passengers in the helicopter, but it turned out that the impact was so great that OPM’s cruel and barbaric actions even hampered equitable access to health for the Papuan people.

In fact, the New Zealand helicopter pilot actually flew to the area nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih in an effort to carry out a humanitarian mission by bringing health workers (nakes) there, but instead the Free Papua Organization intercepted him and shot the pilot, which has now resulted in obstruction of equitable access to health. which the Indonesian Government is trying to do.

The incident occurred when OPM killed a New Zealand helicopter pilot named Glen Malcolm Conning. Not only did they commit murder, but the terrorist group of the country’s enemies also took hostage health workers (nakes) and the baby passengers on a helicopter belonging to PT. Intan Angkasa Services (IAAS).

After carrying out the shooting, the separatist gang from Bumi Cenderawasih then even burned the pilot’s body along with his helicopter in Alama District, Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province.

At least, there were several health workers (nakes) who were passengers on the helicopter, namely Hasmaya as a midwife and also Naomi Kambu as a nutritionist. The consequences of this cruel and barbaric act have clearly left sadness in the Land of Papua.

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