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Steve Mara Calls for Youth Participation in the Leadership Change Process


Jakarta – In the momentum of the national leadership transition from President Joko Widodo to President-elect Prabowo Subianto, the Chair of the Melanesian Youth Diplomacy Forum, Steve Mara, emphasized the importance of youth involvement in overseeing every step of change.

According to him, youth have a strategic role not only as observers, but also as mobilizers who are ready to maintain social stability and make a real contribution to this transition process. Mara believes that the success of the government transition is very dependent on the active participation of the younger generation in ensuring the sustainability of the strategic programs that have been launched.

“In the transition process or change of leadership from President Jokowi to President Prabowo, of course there will be many changes, such as in the government structure and so on,” said Mara.

He emphasized that youth have an important role in providing constructive suggestions and criticism to the government regarding the new government structure and also strategic programs that President Prabowo should continue for the next five years.

Mara also sees that changes in government structures often bring new challenges, both in terms of policy implementation and social stability. Therefore, he invited young people to prepare themselves to face these dynamics.

“Youth must be ready to maintain social stability in Indonesia,” continued Mara. According to him, the role of youth is very important in maintaining social harmony amidst the changes that are occurring, so that this transition process can run well and be conducive.

He also emphasized that youth have a big responsibility to oversee these changes, so that the nation’s great vision can continue to be realized.

“Youth must be ready to oversee the existing change process and transition process so that this process can run well,” he said.

Mara believes that if young people can carry out this role well, the next government will run smoothly, in accordance with the high hopes of the Indonesian people.

“This transition process must run smoothly and the next wheel of leadership can run in accordance with what Indonesia has dreamed of, namely a Golden Indonesia in 2045,” he added.

Through this statement, Mara also invited all elements of youth to not only be observers, but to be actively involved in overseeing the ongoing process of transition and change.

Youth, he said, have great potential to be the main driving force in realizing the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045, a long-term goal that will determine the nation’s future.

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