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Strongly Condemns the Brutality of KST Papua Shoots Security Forces


By : Charles Tabuni )*

All parties should very strongly condemn the brutality that continues to be perpetrated by KST Papua. Their latest action was to shoot and kill one TNI soldier in Ilaga . Upon this incident, the security forces immediately increased their alertness.

The brutality perpetrated by the Papuan separatist and terrorist group (KST) has recurred. Indeed, this group is completely inhumane because it continues to carry out a series of very cruel and barbaric actions. It is known that an Indonesian National Army (TNI) soldier with the initials Praka JL died after being shot by them.

The shooting was carried out by KST Papua led by Numbuk Telenggen and occurred in Ilaga District , Puncak Regency , Central Papua, on Friday 19 May 2023 yesterday.

Regarding the savagery that is being carried out by separatist and terrorist groups in Cenderawasih Land, the Head of Regional Military Information ( Kapendam ) XVII / Cenderawasih , Colonel Kav Herman Taryaman , said that currently the TNI soldier who died has been evacuated to the Regional General Hospital. ( Hospital) Ilaga , which will then be evacuated to Timika, Mimika Regency.

Furthermore, after the shooting incident at the TNI soldier, currently the security forces consisting of joint personnel from the TNI, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the State Intelligence Agency ( BIN ) who are in Ilaga are in a state of Alert I.

Of course , the increase in alertness is not an effort that is unfounded, because indeed the increase in alertness carried out by the security forces in Ilaga aims to be able to anticipate the possibility of potential follow-up attacks which could be carried out again by KST Papua.

With the brutality that continues to be perpetrated by gangs of separatist and terrorist groups on Earth of Cenderawasih without stopping and continuing to threaten the lives of many parties, from civil society to even the security forces themselves, it is as if the people of Indonesia should be able to continue to support all the efforts of the security forces. in order to be able to restore the conducive situation in Papua.

Continue to increase your prayers so that security in Ilaga in particular can recover soon and also for the security officers who have died , starting from Praka JL to several other security officers who previously also died at the hands of KST Papua so that they get the best place in the sight of God Almighty .

Meanwhile, the Head of the Papua Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police ( Inspector General of Police ) Mathius D Fakhiri immediately asked all members of the security apparatus, starting from the TNI, Polri and BIN, especially those serving in Puncak Regency, to be able to continue to increase their alertness.

So far, the series of atrocities committed by separatist and terrorist groups in Papua must be able to be anticipated, especially after the shooting incident at the TNI apparatus, so that the same incident does not happen again.

The death of Praka JL in Kampung Wako, Ilaga District , Puncak Regency occurred after the security forces and KST Papua exchanged fire. From the reports received, it was revealed that the shooting that killed the security forces occurred at around 12:00 Eastern Indonesia Time (WIT).

The figure of Numbuk Tenggelen himself , who was the leader of the gang of separatist and terrorist groups who shot and killed Praka JL himself , is a gang that is known to always continue to disturb the Gome area .

On a different occasion, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin asked all security forces, especially those on duty in Papua to be more alert. The request from the Vice President was disclosed by the Vice President ‘ s spokesperson , Masduki Baidlowi .

He stated that KH Ma’ruf Amin asked the security forces who were carrying out their duties in Cenderawasih Land to be able to continue to improve their coordination so that attacks that led to the death of soldiers like that would not be repeated.

The existence of various kinds of coordination meetings ( rakor ) is indeed one of the efforts related to how the security forces from the joint personnel can become much more alert, more effective by having good coordination with one another. This includes coordination that is able to be maximized, so that in the future it will also be able to discuss what the planned security pattern will be like in Papua.

Increasing alertness is indeed an important thing for the security forces to do immediately, especially after the shooting incident by KST Papua that hit TNI soldiers. So far, a series of cruelty and brutality that is completely inhumane has been carried out by them, so that all parties deserve to condemn very strongly.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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