Head of cadre formation for the Branch of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PC PMII) Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Ramli Ardiansah, assessed that the spread of radical ideology is still ongoing and can target anyone, including the younger generation.
“We need to know and we need to realize that with the development of the current era of digitalization, it is making it easier for the youth generation and the community to access information related to radicalism itself,” he said.
He views that radicalism has also become a scourge for the Indonesian people because it can cause national disintegration.
“The threat of radicalism to the Indonesian nation is to divide us as a religious community and the integrity of the Indonesian nation.”
The chairman of PC PMII Makassar City, South Sulawesi also stated that efforts to overcome radicalism are a shared responsibility. One way is through good education through educational channels.
Ramli advised the younger generation to be alert and avoid this ideology. This includes nationalism, religious moderation, and always protecting oneself from this ideology.
Likewise, Chairman of the Makassar City People’s Fighters Union and Head of the P3A HMI STDN Makassar Commissariat, Muhamad Riswan, highlighted the various impacts of massive internet use.
“On the one hand, it accelerates the exchange of information so that it can move the economy. “But on the other hand, the existence of the internet has proven to be a fertile ground for the spread of radical and intolerant ideologies,” he said.
He hopes that the younger generation can always increase awareness of issues of intolerance, radicalism and terrorism.
“As future leaders of the nation, the younger generation should not experience disorientation towards their nation. “The younger generation also needs to have high values of tolerance amidst the diversity that exists in Indonesia,” explained Riswan.
According to the Head of P3A HMI, Makassar STDN Commissariat, he also reminded that currently there is a lot of misinformation circulating on social media, so the ability to choose the right reference is needed to access information.
“Efforts to prevent and overcome terrorism can also be carried out through increasing religious, national and socio-political insight. “Efforts are needed to foster the spirit of Pancasila in young people as capital in building an understanding of tolerance amidst existing differences,” he continued.
Not to forget, Riswan also advised all parties to carry out various preventive efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism.
“Let’s work together to protect the realm of social media as a forum