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Summit AIS Forum aims to discuss global challenges & problems


Bali-Indonesia held a high-level Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) forum (AIS) forum in Bali on 10-11 October 2023. This Summit is a cooperation platform formed to accommodate island and archipelago countries around the world to jointly overcome challenges and The problems faced, especially in the marine development sector.

AIS Forum was formed in 2018 through the Manado Joint Declaration, on the initiative of Indonesia in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Since it was formed, AIS forum routinely holds a Senior Official Meeting (SOM) meeting and a meeting of Ministerial Meeting (MM) every year. This forum involves the participation of 51 island and islands, regardless of the area, size, or level of development.

“This forum was formed to encourage collaboration between islands and islands around the world to jointly overcome the challenges and problems faced, especially in the marine development sector and mitigation of climate change and prevention of pollution at sea,” said Secretary of the Ayodhia G. L. Kalake.

In addition, AIS Forum also opened a cooperation with platforms and other organizations to enrich perspectives and achieve broader global goals. This forum also pays special attention to the empowerment of youth and coastal communities through ideas, creativity, and innovative solutions.

“If the cooperation with AIS’s country goes well, it will be a strength in the world, becoming a multi -regional organization throughout the ocean. The island and islands will play a greater role in the direction of the world’s marine policy. Through AIS the Indonesian Forum strategically can realize active international diplomacy, “Ayodhia explained.

Meanwhile, Senior Advisor for Climate Environmental Governance United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Indonesia, Abdul Wahib Situmorang, said the main purpose of AIS Forum was to strengthen collaboration in overcoming global problems namely mitigation and adaptation of climate change, blue economy, handling of plastic waste at sea (Marine Plastic Debris), and good maritime governance. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing resistance to climate change.

“AIS Forum is a unique platform that gathering island and islands from various regions. Our goal is to encourage collaborative actions and overcome the joint challenges faced by these countries in overcoming global problems with four main areas,” Abdul said.

He added that this forum encouraged the use of sustainable economic potential associated with marine resources. Some sectors that are focused are tourism, renewable energy, aquaculture, and marine industry as well as to strengthen good marine governance, sustainable management of marine areas, and fair and sustainable management of marine resources.

“Through the AIS Forum, we aim to promote concrete actions, youth involvement, and innovative solutions to improve the livelihoods of coastal communities. “Together, we can have a significant impact and achieve global goals, including the goals of sustainable development in 2030,” concluded Abdul. [*]

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