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Support Firm Law Enforcement in KST Papua Terror Actions


It is important for the entire community to continue to provide full support to the security forces and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia who continue to strive to strictly enforce the law against the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) who continue to spread acts of terror.

It is known that for about two months, KST Papua is still holding Capt. Phillips Max Mehrtens, a pilot from the Susi Air airline, as a hostage. Phillips is a New Zealand citizen who was taken hostage by the group, after his plane was attacked by KST Papua and burned in February 2023.

KST Papua also continues to carry out other acts of terror, the most recent of which was that they carried out gunfire with Indonesian Army soldiers in the Nduga region, Papua Mountains on April 3. As a result, a Soldier from Yalal Task Force Yonif R 321/GT/13/1 Kostrad died in the field as a result of being shot by KST and died, on behalf of Private Private H.

Meanwhile, the joint apparatus from the Cartenz Peace Task Force managed to arrest a member of the KST, namely Yomison Murib on April 5, 2023. Based on data from the Papua Regional Police, Yomison was involved in a number of crimes in Puncak Regency including burning the Palapa Ring BTS tower, shooting civilians and burning helicopters mi 815 at Aminggaru Puncak Airport.

The series of terror acts that have continued to be carried out have evoked reactions from various groups. Deputy Chairman of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Sufmi Dasco Ahmd asked the security forces of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) to be able to take very firm action against all acts of terror committed by Separatist and Terrorist Groups ( KST) Papua.

Not only taking firm action, Dasco also added that the TNI and Polri units should no longer provide space for dialogue on KST Papua because they have indeed committed many heinous acts, up to the last one being the shooting of security forces including the burning of pioneering aircraft from airline Susi Air as well as hostage captain pilot named Phillips Max Mehrtens.

According to the Deputy Chairperson of the DPR RI, so far the tolerance that continues to be given to KST Papua is indeed sufficient, so very firm steps and actions should be taken as soon as possible.

Dasco also strongly condemns all acts of terror carried out by KST Papua and considers that all forms of atrocities that have been committed by this group are completely inhuman and have violated human rights (HAM).

Dasco also ensures that parliament continues to support all steps taken by the TNI and Polri security forces to carry out law enforcement efforts against KST Papua and also requests that the protection of all citizens and civil society in Cenderawasih Land be continuously improved.

Meanwhile, the Danrem 172/PWY, Brigadier General JO Sembiring said that the TNI and Polri security forces would continue to make law enforcement efforts against KST Papua which had carried out a series of acts of terror and also destroyed public facilities in the Land of Papua.

Firmly, Brigadier General Sembiring said that there had been very clear orders from the leadership to his staff to carry out pursuits and arrests. All efforts made by the security forces are intended to create a conducive situation in Papua.

Sembiring also appealed to the whole community to remain calm and not be easily provoked if they receive any type of information about KST Papua, especially information that is not yet valid or has clear truth and does not come from official information.

So far, according to him, security forces have jointly invited all stakeholders, including local governments (Pemda) to take various steps to create a sense of security for the community. In fact, if there are people who still feel disturbed or threatened, then they can secure themselves temporarily at the existing TNI or Polri posts.

Including, he appealed, for example, if the public knows the whereabouts of KST Papua and also the wanted list of people (DPO) from the Police to the extent that there may be some activities that are considered suspicious, then to immediately report it to security forces so that initial steps can be taken immediately.

Brigadier General Sembiring also hoped that traditional leaders, religious leaders and all other elements of society would be able to actively participate and take a role and asked KST Papua to immediately stop acts of terror and just surrender. Efforts to take legal action are not only carried out strictly, but also in a directed and measurable manner.

The acts of terror that continue to be carried out by KST Papua, even more and more often they do, must be handled and overcome immediately. Therefore, all the people of the country need to fully support the efforts made by the security forces and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in taking very strict action in accordance with the legal provisions that apply to the Papuan KST.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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