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Supporting the Acceleration of Development for the Welfare of the Papuan People


By: Obet Nawipa*
Accelerating development to improve the welfare of the Papuan people is a step that is not only urgent, but also crucial to ensure prosperity and justice for all Indonesian people. Therefore, support from all parties is needed so that development in Papua can be carried out quickly and according to the schedule that has been prepared.

The government continues to strive to accelerate development and prosperity in Papua. One of these efforts is to ensure that the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP) and the Papua Development Acceleration Information System (SIPPP) are implemented well and have a direct impact on the Papuan people. These programs are designed to ensure that the development carried out truly responds to the needs of local communities and is not just rhetoric. Therefore, accelerating infrastructure development, such as roads, bridges, airports and ports, is crucial to opening access to areas that have been isolated. This increased access will facilitate the distribution of goods and services, as well as facilitate population mobility, which will ultimately encourage economic growth in the region.

Through the working visit carried out by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, it is hoped that the Papuan people will feel the positive impact from various aspects, including those related to infrastructure development, community empowerment and improving the local economy. Adequate infrastructure will open up the isolation of many areas in Papua, facilitating access to health, education and economic services. With good infrastructure, Papuan people can more easily access markets, so that local products can be sold at competitive prices. This will have a positive impact on increasing the income and economic welfare of the Papuan people.

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, stated that the government is highly committed to continuing to support and accelerate development in Papua for the sake of equitable development and prosperity for all Indonesian people. Therefore, the Vice President wants to see directly the problems of the Papuan people so that he can provide effective solutions. Apart from that, this working visit is also a manifestation of the principle often echoed by the Vice President, namely “scratching where it itches”. This principle emphasizes the importance of solving problems directly at the source to get appropriate and effective solutions.

Spokesperson for the Vice President, Masduki Baidlowi, said that Vice President Amin’s visit this time was part of the government’s efforts to continue to encourage the acceleration of development and prosperity in the Papua region. One of them is ensuring that the Master Plan for the Acceleration of Development in Papua (RIPPP) and the Action Plan for the Acceleration of Development in Papua (RAPPP) are implemented well so that they have a direct impact on the Papuan people.

According to Masduki, Vice President Amin really wants to see the problems of the Papuan people directly so that the resulting solutions will be effective. This reflects a more inclusive and participatory approach to planning and implementing development programs, involving local communities at every stage.

Meanwhile, in the context of special autonomy (autonomy) for Papua, evaluations and improvements have been carried out to ensure that the policy has a positive impact on the welfare of the Papuan people. Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung, said that the results of the working visit to the four Papua Special Regions would be discussed further in a hearing at the DPR. In fact, it is possible that the results of the working visit will be coordinated with other relevant council organs, including the Budget Agency. In essence, so that the desire to accelerate development in the Land of Papua is followed, accelerated, by accelerating all the plans that have been prepared.

Apart from that, the role of local communities in the development process is also very important. The government continues to involve the Papuan people in every stage of development, from planning, implementation, to evaluation. Active community participation will increase the sense of ownership and responsibility for development results. The government also pays attention to the aspirations and needs of local communities to ensure that the development carried out is truly in accordance with the local context and conditions.

However, development efforts in Papua will not be successful without stability and security. The conflict and violence that is still occurring in several areas of Papua by the OPM is an obstacle to the development process. Therefore, the dialogue and reconciliation approach that has been carried out must continue to be pursued to create sustainable peace. The security approach creates a sense of security and comfort for the Papuan people.

Supporting accelerated development and improving the welfare of the Papuan people is our shared responsibility. Because synergistic cooperation between the government, society, private sector and media is needed to create a prosperous, peaceful and sustainable Papua. With continued commitment and effort, we can hope that a better future for the Papuan people will soon be realized.

Overall, accelerating development for the welfare of the Papuan people is a shared responsibility that must be shared by all components of the nation. The challenges that exist are indeed great, but with strong commitment, good cooperation and active participation from all levels of society, the dream of seeing a prosperous and developed Papua is not impossible. Inclusive, equitable and sustainable development is the key to realizing prosperity for the Papuan people and eliminating existing disparities. Let us together support the accelerated development of Papua for a better future for everyone.

*The author is a native Papuan student.

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