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Synergizing to Prevent Terrorism and Radicalism Ahead of Christmas


The threat of terrorism and radicalism in Indonesia often occurs in December before Christmas and New Year (Nataru). Radical networks deliberately carry out threats and disruptions ahead of certain religious celebrations, including the approach to Christmas. It is highly suspected that this effort was made to spread fear, especially among followers of certain religions.

The government, in this case the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), needs to increase vigilance. The authorities must also be able to anticipate the possibility of radical acts and terror well past the Christmas and New Year period. The government, through the TNI and Polri, as well as regional governments, always carry out security operations for Christmas and New Year so that they run safely.

Chief of Presidential Staff (KSP), Moeldoko, said that there is a tendency that radicalism will increase during the political year, in 2023 and 2024. Moeldoko said that this condition must be watched out for, especially ahead of the election and the new year. He emphasized that communicating the risk of increasing radicalism has its own standards. So, it is impossible for the government to just give a certain label carelessly. 

Head of the Public Information Section (Kabag Penum) of the National Police Public Relations Division, Police Commissioner Nurul Azizah, said that a total of 70,350 National Police personnel were deployed in Operation Lilin 2023. These personnel came from work units at the National Police Headquarters level and Polda ranks throughout Indonesia, with details from the National Police Headquarters totaling 988 personnel, and the rest from the Polda ranks.

Operation Lilin 2023 also involves security personnel from other institutions, such as the TNI, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Health, local government, BNPB and others. According to Nurul, the number of personnel is still fluctuating, the number will increase according to needs when Operation Lilin 2023 begins.

The Yonif 330/Tri Dharma Task Force is also continuing to assist with preparations for the 2023 Christmas celebrations in Intan Jaya. The Communications Platoon (Tonkom) of Task Force 330, commonly known as the “Lightning Team”, carries out mobile patrols to churches in Intan Jaya to help check the condition of electrical installations, located at GKII El Shadai Congregation, Kampung Bazemba, Kab. Intan Jaya, Central Papua. 

Dantonkom Task Force 330, Lt. Chb Argio Salsanov said that this activity was part of the Yonif 330 Task Force program to help the people of Intan Jaya in carrying out preparations for Christmas 2023. In accordance with Dansatgas’ direction, Tonkom carried out checks on electrical installations inside the church, as well as lighting around the church environment.

Apart from that, the regional government through the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) through the Directorate of Prevention of the Counter-Propaganda Sub-Directorate held Teacher Training Activities in the Context of Preventing Radical Terrorism in Education Units which took place in the Hall of SMA 1 Palu, Central Sulawesi and was attended by the Palu Provincial Education Office as well as all educational unit in Palu, Central Sulawesi.

In an effort to maintain security and public order (Kamtibmas) in the Simalungun Regency area, the Simalungun Police carry out Enhanced Police activities (KRYD) by carrying out large-scale patrols led by the Simalungun Police Chief, AKBP Ronald FC Sipayung, SH, SIK, MH. This patrol is part of the Simalungun Police’s preventive efforts to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community and anticipate various community activities that occur on Sunday nights. 

This activity also aims to prepare a safe situation ahead of the National Religious Holidays (HBKN) Christmas 2023, New Year 2024 and the 2024 Election. In his speech, Ronald expressed the importance of this large-scale patrol activity in an effort to achieve security in the Simalungun Regency area, especially in threats regarding radicalism tend to increase.

Ronald emphasized that preventive measures such as large-scale patrols are key in minimizing potential disturbances to security and order. Through these patrols, the National Police can detect and prevent early any potential vulnerabilities that could disturb the comfort of the community. So it is hoped that every citizen can carry out their activities safely and comfortably without worrying about the threat of crime, terrorism or radicalism.

The government, TNI and Polri continue to be committed to improving services to the community. Collaboration between security forces and the community is important to create conducive conditions. All elements of society must be alert and protect themselves from the bad influence of radicalism, and be able to increase the spirit of unity and integrity to safeguard the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Then the importance of being positive in responding positively to problems on social media. If they see practices that lead to radicalism, the public can report this to the authorities. Therefore, in order to maintain security at Christmas and New Year, all parties must work together and support government policies to create a safe, peaceful and conducive Christmas.

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