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Synergy Between Community Elements to Realize Safe and Peaceful Regional Elections


By: Amelia Anita Wisman*)

In the context of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections, the role of all parties is very necessary to maintain order and security. It is undeniable that the closer to the voting day, the political tension often increases. However, a conducive situation is very important for the democratic process to run well and smoothly. Without adequate support, threats such as money politics, black campaigns, hoaxes, and other security disturbances can damage public confidence in the election results.

The Cooling System program initiated in several regions, such as Kampar, Riau, and Klungkung, Bali, is one real example of preventive measures taken by security forces to maintain stability. In this case, the police are not only tasked with maintaining physical security, but also providing understanding to the public so that they are not easily provoked by false news. Black campaigns, hoaxes, and identity politics are real threats that can influence the public’s view of the leader they choose.

In the digital era, the rapid spread of information is a double-edged sword. Correct information can mobilize voters to actively participate in elections. However, on the other hand, incorrect information or hoaxes can lead to disinformation that misleads the public. The Cooling System program implemented by officials in the Siak Hulu area, Kampar, for example, seeks to educate the public not to be easily influenced by unverified information. That way, the public is expected to be wiser in receiving and managing circulating information, especially on social media.

In Klungkung, Bali, Enhanced Routine Activities (KRYD) patrols conducted by the local police also targeted strategic areas such as ports, places of worship, and tourist attractions. This step was taken to ensure that the situation remains safe and conducive, especially in crowded areas and areas with the potential for security disturbances. In this regard, the Dawan Police Chief, AKP I Gede Budiarta, emphasized the importance of the presence of security forces in the community during the campaign period until the voting.

Meanwhile, the role of the General Election Commission (KPU) is also very important in providing political education to voters, especially new voters. In Sikka Regency, NTT, the local KPU actively invites new voters to participate in the Pilkada by using their voting rights intelligently and wisely. New voters are often the target of black campaigns or hoaxes, so education for this group is very important. In addition, the general public is also expected to play an active role in reporting any violations that occur during the Pilkada process.

The community has a big role in maintaining security during the regional elections. They can be active partners for the authorities by reporting potential violations or security threats. Supervision from the community, especially through independent monitoring institutions such as NGOs, is also very necessary to ensure that the voting process runs according to the rules. That way, the results of the regional elections will reflect the will of the people honestly and fairly.

In addition, security forces, both the police and the TNI, must remain neutral in carrying out their duties. The neutrality of security forces is very important to maintain public trust in the Pilkada process. This also applies to state civil servants (ASN), who are expected not to side with any candidate or political party. ASN neutrality will ensure that the government continues to run well without any political intervention that is detrimental to one party.

NTB Police Chief Inspector General Umar Faroq, in the Coordination Meeting of the Sentra Gakkumdu (Integrated Law Enforcement Center) for the 2024 NTB Pilkada, emphasized the importance of synergy between related institutions such as Bawaslu, Polri, and the Prosecutor’s Office. This synergy is considered very vital to ensure that the Pilkada process takes place honestly, fairly, and free from various forms of violations.

This cross-institutional cooperation is key in handling various Pilkada violations, including money politics, black campaigns, and potential security disturbances. When all parties move simultaneously and in harmony, violations can be more easily detected and dealt with effectively. This makes inter-institutional synergy an important pillar in creating a clean Pilkada that reflects the will of the people.

Potential threats such as narcopolitics and the flow of illicit funds from campaign teams are also of particular concern. The NTB Police Chief emphasized the need for strict supervision of the sources of funds used during the campaign, because the potential for misuse of funds for political interests could damage the integrity of the Pilkada. Security forces must be proactive in monitoring and taking action against any security threats that arise.

The success of the Pilkada is not only determined by the election organizers, but also by the contribution of all elements of society. Synergy between security forces, election organizers, and the community is very crucial. All parties must unite to fight threats to democracy, from money politics to the spread of hoaxes.

With a joint commitment from all parties, honest, fair, and democratic regional elections can be realized. This synergy will ensure that the 2024 simultaneous regional elections become a democratic celebration that reflects the will of the people and brings leaders who are able to advance their respective regions. Only by working together can all challenges that arise be overcome, and the regional elections will run safely and conducively.

*) The author is a political observer from the Helios Independent Research Institute

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