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TGB Zainul Majdi Mutes Anies’ Statement: Village Roads Built in Jokowi’s Era Are Far Superior to SBY’s National Roads


The presidential candidate promoted by the National Democratic Party (Nasdem) Anies Baswedan alluded to data on road construction during the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). This apparently received various responses from figures, one of which was the Daily Chairperson of the Perindo Party, TGB Zainul Majdi. According to the man who is familiarly called TGB, it seems that Anies forgot one important data in his presentation. TGB said that Anies did not include data on the construction of village roads, which so far Jokowi has also claimed to have boosted.

Village roads, according to TGB, are also a form of free-of-charge road. TGB claims that Jokowi has built 316,000 kilometers of village roads so far, much larger than the 144,000 kilometers claimed for national roads built by SBY and explained by Anies.

“Listening to this speech, I have one note, that Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan did not mention, forgot, I don’t know if this was intentional or unintentional, as a presidential candidate he should have explained it in full. He did not mention the village road that was built during the time of President Jokowi, ” said TGB quoted from the video response that he uploaded on his Instagram account.

“During the 9 years until the end of 2022 there are more than 316 thousand kilometers of village roads built by President Jokowi,” he emphasized.

The former Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) considered that in order to reduce economic disparities and increase economic equality to the villages, the construction of village roads is also important. This can reduce logistics costs for rural communities and increase their economic activity. Moreover, village roads are also free of charge.

“One of the strategies is to reduce logistics costs, expedite the flow of goods and services. Farmers’ production, rice, soybeans, cattle of all kinds produced by the village must be accessed easily. All kinds must have good logistics facilities. So the construction of village roads plays an important role for attend to social justice and reduce rural and urban inequality,” explained TGB.

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