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The Community Must Maintain Conduciveness During the Election Calm Period


All Indonesian people must always participate in maintaining the atmosphere and conduciveness in the entire process of implementing democratic parties and political contestation, namely the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

Regarding these efforts, the security forces also continue to be tireless in maintaining a safe and conducive security and order situation in society (kamtibmas) ahead of the simultaneous elections by establishing friendly relations with administrators of social organizations (ormas).

The Head of the Melawi Resort Police (Kapolres), Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKBP) Muhammad Syafi’i said that related to the implementation of the General Election, which is currently entering a calm period, a number of campaign props (APK) will be controlled by the Agency. Election Supervisor (Bawaslu).

Not only that, but security forces from the joint Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) also continue to carry out joint patrols with the local Regional Government (Pemda) and guard ballot boxes from the General Election Commission (KPU) to the District Election Committee. (PPK) and to the polling place (TPS).

During the quiet period, the entire community is also expected to be able to rest well, and later on February 14 2024 they will be able to cast their votes at the polling station. Even so, there are still several potential security security vulnerabilities during calm times, these potentials can be prevented by carrying out joint patrols to maintain a conducive security and social security situation.

With this good synergy and friendship, it is hoped that the security and social security situation will remain safe and conducive, especially ahead of the simultaneous elections in 2024. Not only that, but all parties, both from the security forces and the community itself, are expected to be able to work together to prevent disturbances to social security and order and maintain security during the election quiet period.

Not only in Melawi Regency, but a similar call also came from the Pekanbaru City Regional Secretary (Sekdako), Indra Pomi Nasution, who continually reminded the entire community to maintain the situation in a conducive and orderly manner.

Of course, with conduciveness that can be well maintained, it is certain to avoid or minimize the possibility of conflict occurring in society, especially when approaching the peak of democratic party activities on February 14 2024.

It cannot be denied that the Indonesian nation itself has a large number of people, which also consist of various kinds of differences in ethnicity, race, religion, class and so on. For this reason, it is very important for society to truly make the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika the main guideline so that divisions do not occur amidst these great differences.

It is indeed very important for all elements to have the same obligations and awareness regarding how to oversee the calm period for the 2024 elections. Therefore, the Acting Governor of West Java (Jabar), Bey Machmudin, said that he continues to strive to align perceptions and strategic steps in preparing for the General Election, especially carrying out supervision during calm times.

On the other hand, the Chairman of the West Java Bawaslu, Zacky Muhammad Zamzam, explained that the peak of political contestation would take place in the next few days, while from February 10 2024 all election campaign activities had to stop because they were entering a calm period.

For Bawaslu as one of the institutions organizing the General Election, the quiet period itself will take place from 11 to 13 February 2024, but for Bawaslu these dates are not a quiet period. The reason is that in the last seconds before the voting there will be various kinds of potential violations that could occur.

Some of the violations that the public must continue to be aware of and it is hoped that the public will actively participate in preventing them and not follow them are acts or practices of money politics, then politicization using sensitive issues such as Ethnicity, Religion, Race and Intergroup (SARA), the spread of fake news or hoaxes to bureaucratic politicization.

To respect the current quiet period for the 2024 Election, the Batang Regency General Election Commission (KPU) also has a very strong commitment to cleaning all Campaign Props (APK). In fact, the public is also invited to take an active role in cleaning the APK during the quiet period.

There is great hope that there will be good coordination and integration between the relevant parties and the community in the implementation of the democratic party, because with all parties working together well, the quality of democracy in the country will also improve. Therefore, it is important for all elements of society to be able to maintain the conduciveness of their respective regions, especially when entering the calm period for the 2024 elections like now.

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