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The Development of IKN Receives Support from Various Groups


The development of the National Capital City ( IKN ) in the archipelago has received support from various groups, from politicians to civilians. They support IKN because they believe that this city will become a city of the future that is both sophisticated and environmentally friendly. Support from many parties is invaluable, because it can make the IKN project run smoother.

DKI Jakarta has been the capital city of Indonesia since 1945 , when the old order had a discourse to move the capital to Palangkaraya, Kalimantan. President Soekarno ‘s reason at that time was for the sake of justice, because he was in the middle. This discourse was continued, but not in Palangkaraya, but in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan.

The construction of IKN Nusantara as the new capital city will also continue to meet the targets set by the government. The development of IKN received full support from various groups. Politician Muhaimin Iskandar stated that he agreed with President Jokowi’s strong idea to build the Archipelago’s National Capital (IKN), move people, and build new economic growth.

Muhaimin continued, the migration of people to IKN Nusantara was a big ‘transmigration’, because of the huge migration of people to the new capital of Indonesia. In a sense, when the Nusantara IKN has been completed, many Indonesian citizens will move there in droves to look for new jobs.

The development of IKN will trigger mass transmigration and make the people’s future better. In overseas lands they will struggle harder and get new jobs, either as employees in IKN government offices or opening their own businesses. With transmigration, Indonesian people are more advanced and have more income.

Meanwhile, the Association of Indonesian PTN Alumni Organizations (Himpuni) supports the development of IKN in East Kalimantan Province.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Himpuni Akhmad Muqowan expressed a form of support, as evidenced by today we held the Annual Session of the General Assembly of the Himpuni in Samarinda, namely Mulawarman University as the host.

The holding of this annual assembly is the first in Indonesia so this is historic for Samarinda, in particular and for the Province of East Kalimantan in general, because it was immediately agreed to hold it in this area as a positive impact from the transfer of the IKN.

In fact, on Sunday 12 March 2023, the Himpuni group from all over Indonesia will visit the Zero Point of the Archipelago and a number of areas in the IKN to see directly the progress of development in the IKN, including seeing certain aspects as input material for the development of the IKN.

Himpuni’s support for the development of the IKN because he saw that there were many positive impacts. In addition to advancing Kalimantan, IKN will also advance Eastern Indonesia because there is an even distribution of development. IKN will also reduce the unemployment rate in Indonesia because its projects absorb labor.

The support for the construction of the National Archipelago National Park is very good because it shows people’s love for President Jokowi. Starting from ordinary civilians to politicians, all support IKN. With their support, this project will be successful. The community believes that IKN Nusantara is a city of the future that is sophisticated and remains in harmony with the nature of


To expedite the relocation of the national capital, the IKN Law was made , as well as a strong legal umbrella. Head/Minister of the National Development Planning Agency Suharso Monoarfa stated that there are stages in moving the national capital in the IKN Law.

Suharso added, the stages were carried out because the transfer was not the Sangkuriang project which was completed in an instant. However, there is a very long process, and the details are: in 2022, 2024, and so on until 2045, only on board alias actually moving the capital from Jakarta to North Penajam Paser.

The government is very serious about moving the Indonesian capital to Kalimantan. The reason is that Jakarta is already very crowded, both by native Betawi people and immigrants. If left unchecked, it will be very dangerous because it can cause many social problems, for example an increase in criminal cases due to income inequality and overcrowding.

The relocation of the national capital must be carried out in stages. It is impossible to finish it in just 1-2 years, because Penajam Paser Utara must first be prepared to become the capital. Is the condition of the land there ready to be used as a capital city? Don’t forget the fact that the structure of the soil in Kalimantan is different from that in Java, so if necessary, some improvements are made.

The development of the National Institute of Sciences received full support from various parties, from academics to politicians. Their support is very important because it will make the IKN development project successful and on time. IKN will be a modern, sophisticated city that makes Indonesian people proud because the concept is a forest city (a city in a forest).

)* The author is a contributor to Ruang Baca Nusantara

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