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The existence of a new autonomous region helps accelerate development in Papua


The existence of division of regions or new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua is certainly able to continue to help accelerate development and also contribute to improving the welfare of the people in Cenderawasih Earth.

It is known that previously, Papua itself only consisted of the provinces of Papua and West Papua, but now Bumi Cenderawasih has as many as 4 (four) New Autonomous Regions (DOB), whose status is a division province.

The Papua New Guinea area consists of, among other things, South Papua Province based on Law (UU) Number 14 of 2022, then Central Papua Province with Law (UU) Number 16 of 2022, and Papua Mountains Province through Law (UU ) Number 29 of 2022. Then finally, following later, the existence of the Southwest Papua Province through the enactment of Law (UU) Number 29 of 2022 concerning the Formation of the Southwest Papua Province.

The inauguration of all the new autonomous regions was carried out by the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri RI), Tito Karnavian in stages, namely in the first stage the inauguration of 3 (three) new autonomous regions in Papua, namely South Papua Province, Central Papua Province and Papua Mountains Province which were inaugurated on November 11 2022, then for the Southwest Papua Province itself it was inaugurated on December 9 2022.

Then, regarding the preparation of the Regional Government Work Plan in the Southwest Papua New Autonomous Region itself, it was carried out using an approach and also the same stages as the preparation of the RKPD in the 3 (three) previous Papua New Guinea Provinces, namely Mountain Papua, South Papua and Central Papua.

Of course, with the inauguration of the new autonomous region, now officially Cenderawasih Earth itself has as many as 6 (six) provinces in the Land of Papua, namely Papua Province with the capital city of Jayapura, then West Papua with the capital city of Manokwari, Central Papua with the capital city Nabire, South Papua with the capital city of Merauke, mountainous Papua with the capital city of Wamena and Southwest Papua with the capital city of Sorong.

Many parties are very optimistic that with the division in the form of the Papua New Guinea, it will certainly accelerate development throughout Cenderawasih Earth without exception, including being able to increase the welfare of all people in Papua, and of course it will shorten bureaucracy even more.

The existence of efforts to shorten the bureaucracy of the Central Government itself is something that really deserves to be given a very high appreciation. The reason is, it is absolutely undeniable that in every province in the Land of Papua it turns out that each has a different character, so that it requires a different handling.

So, with a shortened bureaucracy, direct community service, including the handling of all kinds of problems, will be able to reach more and be in accordance with what is really needed by the people themselves.

Because of this, good cooperation is also needed between the government and local community leaders in Papua, including religious leaders, as well as local traditional leaders to be able to jointly make efforts to accelerate development in the Land of Papua so that it can run well and optimally. .

Some important things from the acceleration of development are the implementation of a stabilization instrument to be able to control inflation and the basic price of food needs in the Land of Papua. For this reason, the food security program must be implemented very seriously.

With the seriousness of implementing the food security program, which is an effort of a stabilization instrument and an effort to control inflation in Cenderawasih Earth, of course there will be production and the basic price of people’s food needs can be maintained.

Not only that, but there will also be priority infrastructure development, particularly in supporting infrastructure development for economic transformation in the fields of energy, food, connectivity and transportation so that results can be continuously optimized.

The Head of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) Papua, Burhani stated that in the 2023 fiscal year, the total allocation in the budget ceiling for the Budget Implementation Entry List (DIPA) has been submitted to all 4 (four) provinces throughout Tanah Papua, namely IDR 13 .91 trillion (rupiah), all of which have been given to as many as 625 Work Units (Satker).

Of course, with the submission of the DIPA, it is optimistic that it will be able to improve people’s welfare and help the economic revival in Indonesia to be realized optimally and evenly.

The acceleration of development in Cenderawasih Earth will occur very optimally, mainly due to the division of the region through the inauguration of the new autonomous region (DOB) of Papua so that the bureaucratic lines will be shortened and public services will be far more optimal.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali

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